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Chanyeol Imagine

"Oh! My! that is so pretty!" Herim squealed as she pointed to the pair of earrings that was displayed on the stand. Putting it close to her ears as she leaned towards the mirror.

"How is it?" she turned to you. The pair of earrings sure suit her. In fact, everything suited her for she was the hottest girl in school. Her features were nicely defined, but feminine at the same time.

"You look good in everything, Herim."

Herim did not protest and bought it without hesitating, linking her arms around yours as you two comb through the streets. You two became good friends ever since you met her at the first day of high school. Though school just started a month ago, you could already tell that this friendship is the kind that would last.


The both of you turned, facing a boy with a guitar hanging over his tall frame. He caught his breathe and looked at Herim with his round eyes. Those eyes that never failed to captivate you no matter how many times you looked into them. It was Chanyeol. Your childhood friend.

"Chanyeol!" Herim exclaimed, "what a surprise!"

"Thought I could catch you here," the end of his lips curled up.

"Me?" Herim giggled, "that's a good one! We all know you're here for _____"

Herim gently pushed you slightly forward, closing the distance between you and Chanyeol.

"There you go," Herim smiled, "go on, I shall go powder my nose." She then turned on her heels, winking at you.

"Uh... So, what's the matter?" you asked.

"Why didn't you tell me that you were hanging out with Herim?" A question that has been repeated for the umpteenth time.

"Uh... Girlfriend time?"

"Stop forgetting to tag me along with you two."

"Unfortunately, both of us are going to the spa. Better luck, next time." You spun to the other direction and started walking.

"_____," Chanyeol tugged your arm, "are you lying to your childhood friend right now?"

You could feel his eyes looking right through you. And your lies. Yet, you could say nothing.

"You've been lying alot recently, _____. I need explanations. Are you trying to stop me from getting to know Herim?"

"No." You shrugged off his grasp and continued walking.

"Why? Is it that weird to wingman your best friend? It's almost as if it's betrayal."

You halted.

"Everything has been about her ever since you laid your eyes on her. Who's the one betraying who? You've been choosing a girl over your best friend, Chanyeol. Get your facts right."

You could feel your heart fall to your stomach. Tears brimming. It was obvious that Chanyeol had favoured Herim from the start. He would not stop asking about her at every chance he could. It felt as though he was just using your connection to get closer to Herim. That, however, was not the most painful part. Deep down, you knew that if it wasn't for Herim, the friendship with Chanyeol might fade as he had way more friends now than he did in middle school. The friendship was perhaps a seasonal one, or maybe a circumstantial one.

[A/N: YAYY!! thanks for supporting and waiting guys! It took me damn long to get my engine back lol but am so happy to be doing this again! will try to update more frequently! so do drop by from time to time!! hope you guys enjoyed this!]

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2019 ⏰

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