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Hoseok POV

yoongi is really someone huh.. he just confess his feelings to me, and I couldn't even say something back to him..

I was walking to yoongi bed while thunk lays back.

'Should I confess too or not? No hoseok you can't do that, that poor heart of him can't take that.. why would he think I never would like him back? I've liked him since we where younger but my father and mother just almost made me marry a girl.. the girl was fine but er both didn't like each other and both had other loves... HOSEOK GET YOURSELF TOGETHER BACK TO YOUR THOUGHT!' I groaned while thinking if i really should do it or wait..

'I think I'll wait for now.. and at a time when I'm sure he really likes me.. I'll take him outside today maybe he would like that' I nodded to myself and sat up..

"Yoongi! Put on your clothes later we are going outside for a walk together" I said.. I heard a soft hmm.. I smiled walked to my own room changing my clothes..

After some time yoongi final came into the hall where I've been waiting for him..

"you ready?" Took out my hand to hold his.. lucky he got the hint and held my hand.

"Hoseok forget what I said before" he said looking down.. I felt so bad for him but wasn't sure enough.. I walked around the garden with him..

"How can I forget yoongi... I will never forget it" I kisses the back of his hand and looking around.. I see yoongi starting at one of the flowers..

"Why is that one glowing?" He asked trying to touch it.. I stop him at time and pulled his hand.

"Don't touch it please... these are very dangerous" I said.. he just nodded and walked further..

"I'm tired please can i have a piggy ride?" He asking.. I nodded.. I crotch down a little and he jumped on my back.. I carried him around far away from the roses.. knowing it was dangerous for yoongi.

"Stay close... I cant lose you again"

Short but powerful


vampire prince English 「sope」Where stories live. Discover now