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-the truth-

yoongi POV

i ran as fast i could to my room. i knew hoseok is going to follow me after this, if namjoon or jin told him what i was hiding form him. i don't like hiding things form friends especially from hoseok, i know i cant trust him but this was way to big trust him for.. 

"AHH" i screamed in my pillow gettting my frustrasion out of my body.. i should take a shower first im all under the flour.. i stood up from my bed and walk to the bathroom, i took a towell out of the litte cabinet there was in my bathroom.. "ah ther it is" i bend over to grab it. lucky i wasnt undressed yet.

 i felt someone watching me.. i truned around and saw hoseok watching me.. "like what you see huh?" i asked with a litte chunkel..

"yes i do.. turn around again.. its not a quistion i demand you to trurn around" he did a spin with his fingers.. 

"well do think im this dumb? well.. no i dont care aout your demands... i aint doing it" i said teasing him.. he grabbed my wasit and truned me around " h-hoseok!!!" i screamed at him. i think evryone has heard it.. they may think me and hoseok are.... 'WAHHH NO YOONGI NO!'

"Shus yoongi... you're being way to loud" he let go of my waist and rolled his eyes "but what are you hiding from me yoongi-shii?" Asking so cute...

'shit shit shit here it goes again of fuck you hoseok I really do fucking like you all my live that's why I went away because you'll never like me back wahh... what are you doing to me..'I was  taking in my head to myself  "that I have... butt acene treatment?" I said to him. Of course he's not going to believe me.. I saw him shaking his head .

"Yoongi don't lie to me, I know you for pretty long time.. and butt acne treatment is not the best excuse to use.." he said and pulled me by my waist.. "ik we just met in some dayd but we know each other for way to long.. now tell up..
What are you keeping from me?" He asked me again..

"Fuck you hoseok I fucking danm like you since we start hanging out.. I left because I knew you neve liked me back and you'll never.. you needed to get married with a royal blood and I'm not one of those... if I stayed by your side this time I would have been hurt because I don't like seeing you with someone else that's not me!" I yelled it all out and push hoseok out of the bathroom and lock the door already.. 'imma drown myself'

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