I'll miss you

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"Hey John I need some advice if ya got the time" Arthur spoke as he huffed himself down at the table in camp.

"Sure what is it?" John asked as he sat down across from Arthur.

"Well, you see y/n?" Arthur asked as he gestured over to where you were, you noticed and gave him a quick smile before returning back to what you had been doing.

"Yeah? What of it?" John asked impaciently, he clearly had work to do.

"Well... I-I think I fancy her more than I thought and she has been talking about leaving camp to you know, go live on her own, says the outlaw life is too much for her, but i can't leave the gang, I just wish there was a way to make her stay maybe..?" Arthur looked back over at you, who had finished the chores and was talking to Abigal.

"Arthur just tell her how you feel, listen I've got to go, my son wants me to take him fishin'" and with that John got up and walked off leaving a very sad and confused Arthur.

-Time Skip: 3:34 am-

Arthur awoke to the sound of someone outside the tent. It was a beautiful tune being hummed by what sounded like a young woman. His tiredness turned into dread when he realized it was you.

"What the-" he muttered as he threw on some boots.

When he walked outside his tent he saw you mounting your horse and before he could stop himself he ran over as quickly as possible.

You were suddenly yanked off of your horse causing yout lamp to bust on the ground, you felt the arms of a stranger but when your eyes ajusted you realized it was Arthur.

"A-Arthur what the hell are ya doin up this early?! and why did you nearly kill me just then?" you were confused.

The moonlight was just bright enough for you to see a single tear fall from his eye and gently hit the ground.

"Hey what's the matter tough guy?" you asked, brushing a piece of hair out of his face softly.

"Y/n, listen to me please, I know that you think you're doing the best thing but.. you can't leave" he spoke, his voice only a whisper.

"Why Arthur it's decided, I-" he cut you off.

"Please don't leave" he said more firm this time.

You had had enough, you jerked your hand out of his, but he was too fast, he had caught your wrist and when you turned to slap him, his eyes were sad and he looked desparate.

"You can't leave because I-I love you" his voice hitched, he let go of you finally, as if saying "Choose".

Stepping closer you smiled ever so softly at him, he was wiping the tears from his eyes as he prepared himself for rejection, or worse, for you to leave.

"Arthur I love you too" you spoke before crashing into him with a hug.

He smiled into your shoulder and whispered "Please Stay"

HEYYY thanks for reading!! Yes i know right! i finally wrote something! i know this sucks terribly but it was the first fanfic in FOREVER! also im sure there are a handful of typos here as im not sure my auto correct is working, but please look over them~~

i love yall lots!!! ill be writing more now by the way! thanks again ill cya n the next story,,, BYEEE

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