Arthur Morgan HC's - reacting to reader crying

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-There's a first time for everything, and this time, it was the first time Arthur had seen you cry

-Arthur isn't that great with dealing with his own emotions, that's why you help him so much, so when he sees his emotional support upset, it also takes a toll on him as well.

-He may breathe faster while trying to calm you down, he doesn't think he's as good as being there for you as you are for him, he's wrong, his comfort is all you need, even though he doesn't get that

-He will shake a bit, this is scary for him, he had never seen you like this before, all he wanted was for you to smile and be happy, but he didn't know how to make that happen, or so he thought.

-After he realizes all you need is for him to be there with you, he will calm down and be more help

-You find it cute that he copies your methods of calming someone down, you always hold him close and whisper calm things to him, while rubbing circles into his back, or messing with his hair

-He will do those things to you, because you've basically taught him how to care, and how to deal with emotions, without you, he wouldn't know what to do

-Arthur hates showing emotions, so the first time he sees you upset, he will first just stand there awkwardly looking around to make sure no one was looking

-As much as he loves you, he still has problems showing emotions and feelings, you don't mind, and you sure can't blame him, he was left as a child, then took into a harsh life of being an outlaw, he never really had anyone to care for

-In the end of it all, he ended up falling asleep while holding you, of course you were awake most of that night, you had problems sleeping, but with him holding you, and his calm breathing, you were soon calmed down and fast asleep

Hey guys! I hope you guys like this one... I am proud of how these turned out I think XD ily all!

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