"Im not tired"

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Arthur had been out hunting all day. The gang was low on food and he seemed to be the only one who did anything about it, besides Charles of course. It was midnight and you had been waiting for him to get back for what felt like forever. You decided to throw on one of Arthur's shirts and try to sleep.
~2:30 am~
You couldn't sleep so you decided to look at some of Arthur's pictures he'd drawn in his journal. One was about this time he had went hunting with Hosea, they killed a huge bear and Arthur had drawn a picture of it. Just then you heard a yawn coming towards your tent. It was Arthur. He stumbled into the tent instantly sitting down on the mattress beside you.
"Hey" you said smiling.
"Hey" he replied.
"Did you kill anything good?" You asked.
"Yea I did, me and Charles went down to-" he yawned. "To the river and fished for a while".
You giggled a bit.
"Arthur get some sleep" you said rubbing his back.
"It's alright I'm not tired" his words were blurred together.
"Fine, then at least lay down" you said knowing exactly what would happen.
He nodded laying down with you in his arms. Within minutes the two of you were fast asleep.

Sorry this one isn't good .. and it's short as well. I didn't have a good day and well, yea :(
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