The perfect morning- HCS

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Quick announcement... I have officially started my second play through.. and as I know my heart will be once again torn.. I can't stop myself .. also- I have some REALLY good ideas lately so expect GREAT fanfic this weekend X3


A perfect morning would consist of:

- Waking up to the quiet sounds of the nearby stream running
- The birds singing outside of your window
- A warm, safe and secluded cabin in the middle of a lush forest
- Waking up to Arthur's soft, gentle kisses on your neck or forehead
- Or waking up to the smell of warm pancakes and orange juice floating into your room
- As you realize Arthur got up extra Early to make you breakfast
- Maybe walking outside onto the beautiful dark oak wood deck
- Smelling the fresh cut wood, from where Arthur has recently built it
- When you walk out seeing Arthur drawing or journaling with your dog Cain
- Smelling the rain from the night before, as it has created a heavy mist that lingers over the grass
- The dew drops still lightly, perfectly formed on the blades of grass
- Waking up to Arthur snuggling up against you, his face hurried in your hair or in your neck
- A strong hold around your waste
- His warm breath on your neck
- Waking up first so you can hear how calm and relaxing his breathing and heartbeat is
- But then falling back asleep to the calming sound of it

Arthur Morgan| Fluffy OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now