Nights like these

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Arthur and you were sitting by the fire in camp while talking quietly, the rest of the gang members were sleeping, however, Arthur and you used this time to get some one on one time. Not for anything like that, no... This was for pure conversation. Arthur made sure that he took time to sit down and talk to you at the end of everyday. When the two of you got together, he had said something like, "I want to do this right". However, tonight the usual conversation of what you both did that day did not take place. You had something else on your mind...

"What if- What if we somehow get separated, unable to find each other?" you asked Arthur.

This worry of yours came from a nightmare you had a few nights ago.

"I'm always with you" he gave you a side glance and chuckled.

It was true, where ever you went, he went too. The two of you never let each other out of sight, and when you did, it wasn't very long at all.

"Well yes that is true, but what if we get separated, ... what then?" you looked up at him and he gave you a soft smile before speaking.

"Well, then all you have to do, it simply close your eyes, take a few deep breaths, and think of me. By the time you are done with that, I will have found you, because I will never let you get that far from me" he spoke softly as he ran a few fingers through your hair.

You blushed before leaning on him. He reached his arm around your waist, pulling you closer until you were pressed against him tightly. For the next hour or so you and him talked about anything and everything that came to your minds, he had also managed to steal a few kisses before you fell asleep in his arms. For the rest of the night Arthur sat there holding you close while listening to the fire crackling and popping.

SOOOO this is very cute X3 I hope you like it!!

TTFN! <3

Arthur Morgan| Fluffy OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now