"Are you sure you want to do that?"

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Hey guys! This ones gonna be short but it's worth the read trust me ;)
So depending on what you see as smut ... I figured putting a warning here wouldn't hurt 😇
Also look at the pic (above) to get a feel of what Arthur looks like in this imagine.
You and Arthur were fighting, again.
"Arthur you have two seconds to back off" you threatened, your face red from anger.
"Oh yeah? Or what y/n" he walked closer smirking.
You were done. You rose an arm up to slap him, but he reached up catching your wrist. He then backed you up against the wall and leaned down to your ear. In a low, husky voice he whispered, "Wanna try that again sweetheart?" You could feel his breath on your neck. This drove you crazy. You stood there not knowing what to do or say.
"What is it sweetheart?" He said smirking.
"You like that?"
He pinned you against the wall once again. You blushed, kissing him on the lips roughly. He smiled into the kiss and pressed up against you letting out a soft moan.
"God I love you" he said before carrying you to the bed.

Wowie.... soo there's that chapter

Arthur Morgan| Fluffy OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now