First interactions

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Panic attacks were always something that haunted you. Usually when you were alone, sometimes when you were in large crowds, and even more when you were around him. Arthur was your one true weakness. Seeing him made you feel all sorts of things. Happy, sad, anxious, scared, even anger. Anger at yourself for not speaking your feelings to him. You were new to the gang so you didn't know many of the members yet, but Arthur was the one who saved you from the O'Driscols.
You were sitting by a tree writing in your journal, it was getting late but you payed no attention.

Arthur Morgan.
He sure was something. He saved my life and I am forever thankful. But it's more than that, there's just something about him, something that draws me near, something that drives me crazy. I'm not sure what it is, but sadly I don't think I'll ever get the chance to find out
~Until next time

You sighed before laying your journal down. It was quite late, and you were still outside of camp.
"Let's just hope he isn't on guard duty" you thought to yourself.
You arrived at the entrance of camp and rolled your eyes. Of course he is. The one night I stayed out late.
You walked up to him, letting him know you were not an enemy before trying to briskly walk past, not making eye contact.
"You were out late" he remarked.
"Y-yea I was just writing, must've lost track of time" you laughed nervously.
"What were you writing?" He asked.
"Just some thoughts in my journal" you felt embarrassed, how silly of an outlaw to write in a journal like a silly school girl.
"Really? I do the same" he chimed.
You silently scolded yourself for your thoughts.
"Oh- maybe you could help me draw sometime" you said shyly
"Ya know..." he started to say before stopping himself.
He paused for a moment, as if changing what he was about to say.
"Ya know it isn't safe to be out here this late" he snapped.
"Oh I- I'm sorry Mr. Morgan" you stuttered.
He just nodded before turning around to face away from you.

What just happened?

To be continued

I might make this a story guys.. whatcha think!? Like make it a separate book? A continued story line of a cold Arthur turning into a soft lover 😅❤️

Arthur Morgan| Fluffy OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now