I can't loose you

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Lately Arthur had been different. He was more protective of you and he was almost always by your side. You didn't mind of course, you loved him, although you could take care of yourself.
"Arthur I'm just going to meet John at the river, said he wanted to see me about a raid we're planin" you said.
"I'll come with you" he replied not looking up from his journal.
"It's alright I've got it, you stay and rest".
About four days ago Arthur got into a pretty bad fight at the bar. He won of course but at a price. He was better now but still weak. He stood up and calmly laid down his journal. He slowly walked over to you and placed his hands on your shoulders looking into your eyes.
"Y/n, I'm coming with you and that's that."
You sighed and nodded your head.
~Time skip~
You and Arthur arrived by the river where John was.
"Hey, there you are" John said smiling.
"Hey Arthur" he said.
Arthur nodded his head in response.
After talking the plan over with John for an hour or so, you and Arthur headed back to camp.
~At camp~
You had finally got done with the chores around camp and walked into you and Arthur's tent. He was already asleep and you could finally relax yourself. You decided to go into San-Denis to get a drink and maybe a relaxing bath. You got dressed, wearing a vest and some jeans. Arthur stirred a bit, but you shrugged it off quietly heading for the tent flap. Just then you heard Arthur clear his throat. You turned around and saw him sitting up.
"Did you really think I wouldn't notice you sneaking out?" He asked.
"Arthur I'm just goin' for a drink, that's all" you said rolling your eyes.
He stood up and walked towards you.
"Listen y/n, if anything or anyone ever hurt you..." he paused letting out a shaky breath.
"I wouldn't forgive myself." He finished
"Arthur I-"
"I know I seem controlling lately but... I can't loose you y/n, I just can't. I would never be the same" he pulled you into a hug. One of the tightest hugs he'd ever given you.
"Arthur I love you" you said as you hugged back.
"I love you too y/n. I guess it's about time I trust that you can take care of yourself. Go have fun. You deserve it, but the second you get back to camp, tell me" he said kissing your forehead.
You shook your head.
"I'm stayin with you" you said smiling at him.
You felt him relax a bit. He laid back down and you followed, soon falling asleep.

Also guys! I need requests/ ideas... pleaseeeee message me some! I am to the point of needing help... thanks cowpokes! 🤠💗

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