An unfortunate accident

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I need to get back to camp Arthur thought to himself as he was limping down the small path by the river. He weakly whistled for his horse and pulled himself into the saddle.
"There he is! Get him!" One of the lawmen called.
"We're loosing him boys! Faster!" another yelled.
"Get me home girl" he said in a hoarse voice. "Please".
~At camp~
"Tilly have you seen Arthur anywhere?" You asked worried. He'd been gone for a day now.
"No I haven't-" she was cut off by yelling near the entrance of camp.
"Someone get over here and help!" You heard Miss Grimshaw yell.
You ran to where they were and saw Arthur barely conscious on his horse.
"Arthur?!" You yelled rushing towards him.
"I... They..." Arthur tried speaking before falling off his horse.
You were knelt down beside him trying to keep him awake.
"Hey, Arthur stay with me"
Those were the last words he heard before blacking out.
~A few days later~
You had barely spelt since Arthur had returned wounded. He hasn't woken up since then either and you were beside him day and night.
"Y/n you should really get some sleep" Abigail said.
"I'm fine" you said looking back at Arthur.
You ran your hand through his hair and kissed his forehead before laying down beside him. He suddenly moved slightly and you sat up instantly.
He let out a soft groan.
"Arthur oh my god you're okay!" You said with relief.
He stood up and winced at the sharp pain in his side.
"Arthur! You're not up to this you can barely stand"
"I-I'm fine" he barely whispered before collapsing into you.
You caught him and helped him sit down.
"Arthur, I'm serious" you said.
"Alright..." he gave in and payed back down.
"Will you stay with me?" He asked looking up at you.
"Arthur I haven't left your side since the day we met, and I don't plan to ever leave".

Arthur Morgan| Fluffy OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now