Good enough

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"But maybe I'm not good enough, maybe you do deserve better" Arthur said, his voice only a whisper.
"Arthur he was speakin' nonsense! You are Perfect! I want you" you reassured him.
Micah has gotten to Arthur's head once again, this time about you. He had said something like, "Well the girl deserves better than a low life outlaw like you! You can't even provide for her!" as if he could talk...
This set Arthur into a spiraling mess.
Arthur looked down, taking a shaky breath. He didn't want to loose you, he couldn't loose you.
"I've been left before y/n... I'm used to it by now" he covered his face with his hands, not wanting to show that he was tearing up.
You sat down beside him, putting an arm around him and pulling him against you.
"Arthur look at me" you said calmly.
He often got like this, his ex's had left him due to the life he lived, you couldn't see how anyone could leave someone like Arthur, he was perfect. He cared so much, maybe he didn't show that at first but god did he care.
He didn't look up at you, instead he just uncovered his face, his eyes red from crying.
"Oh Arthur.." you said, giving him an empathetic look.
You put a hand on the side of his head pulling him towards you.
He went with your touch and laid his head on your chest.
His breathing hitched at first, but calmed down slowly.
"Arthur listen, I ain't ever leaving you alright? I love you. I can't stand seeing you upset like this. Please just trust me" you reassured him.
You could tell he didn't know what to say, Arthur was never very good with emotions. You just slowly brushed your hand through his hair until he relaxed more. He finally spoke.
"I'm sorry I'm like this y/n" he said wiping his face.
"Don't be sorry darling, I love that you can be sensitive, and it shows me how much you care" you smiled kissing his forehead.
"Okay.." he said, nuzzling his face into your neck further.
He fell asleep with his arms around you tightly, and you soon followed.

Arthur Morgan| Fluffy OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now