Admiration At It's Finest

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You woke up and rubbed your eyes, remembering that you had fallen asleep under a tree. Your eyes focused in the scene in front of you. Arthur was talking softly to his horse. You were just admiring all of his beauty, when suddenly he dropped the brush, silently cursing himself before bending over to pick it up. That's when you noticed that your sweet gunslinger... has a nice butt. You giggle at this, and quickly clap a hand over your mouth, but it was too late and without even turning around, he says, "You been watchin' me?"

You sit up a bit more, "Can't I admire you?" you ask smiling.

"Well, there's not much to admire" he spoke, still brushing his horse.

"Oh there's plenty to admire" you say.

He had turned around to face you now, his eyes darting everywhere but yours. As if it were the first time he had gotten the courage to speak to you. He put a hand on the back of his neck nervously.

"Are you gettin' shy on me now?" you asked, chuckling a bit.

"I ain't shy"

"C'mere" you say, before gesturing to a spot beside you.

He walked over and instead of sitting beside you, laid down, his head in your lap, and his blue eyes connecting with your green eyes. Smiling, you started to mess with his hair when he spoke.

"You really admire me?"

You slid down to where you were laying beside him in the grass, "Yup!"

"Well I can't see how, but you're just about the prettiest thing I've ever seen" he said with a cheeky grin.

You smiled.

"What do-What do you admire about me?" he asked after a moment of silence.

"Well..." you start saying.

"I love this" you said, gently touching the scar on his chin.

"And this" you gently ran a few fingers over his lips before giving him a quick kiss.

"And definitely this" you say before putting a hand on his butt and squeezing playfully. He grunted and his face turned even more red.

"What else?" he said, enjoying the praise you were giving him.

"Well Arthur, I love... you" you said smiling.

You smiled at how his face softened.

"Well I love you too" he said before rolling on top of you, pinning your hands above your head before tickling you. This caused you to laugh until your laugh was just a silent one. Arthur chuckled before letting you go.

You rolled over pretending to be mad at him. He apologized and wrapped an arm around your waist.

"Forgive me darlin' pleaseeee" he drew his last word out, knowing very well that you found it adorable.

You rolled over to face him. "Fine" you said before kissing him on the cheek.


Thank you for neatly 9K reads!! THATS INSANE I love you guys :D


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