The bakery - part 2

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I couldn't resist... so here I am writing more! I hope you liked the last part...

-Horseshoe overlook-

9:00 a.m

"Arthur can we go out today? I drew a picture for that nice girl at the bakery!" Jack begged.

"Well that's nice of you, sure we can go" Arthur had a sudden mood change, he was a bit happy now.

"Uncle Arthur? Do you like that girl?" Jack asked innocently.

"Well- I- I think she is very nice, yes" he replied a bit flustered.

Jack just grinned before writing something on the drawing he had.

"Whatcha' writing there?" Arthur asked as he tried to peek at the words.

Jack giggled before hiding the drawing.

"It's nothin' Arthur" he said.

"What ever you say" Arthur chuckled before helping Jack onto his horse.

When they got to valentine, Arthur took a moment to fix his hair, which was rather messy from the ride over.

The bell made a soft ding as they entered. You looked up and smiled when you saw who had shown up once again.

"Well hello boys! Welcome back" you smiled as you handed jack a gumdrop.

"Thank you miss!" he exclaimed before taking it, and exchanging the drawing.

"Oh whats this?" you asked as you took it.

"Its just something I made, for you!" Jack smiled kindly.

"Well that is so sweet!" you couldn't help but smile brightly.

You opened the drawing, which was neatly folded. You were surprised at how well Jack had drawn it. The picture was of you, him, and Arthur in your bakery.

"Jack this is wonderful" you said in shock.

"Thank you miss!" he replied while chewing on the candy you gave him.

You turned your attention to Arthur, who was standing quietly off to the side.

"How are you Mr. Morgan?" You asked

He smiled at what you had called him before replying. "I'm well, and you?"

"I am doing great" you smiled.

Just then another person walked into the shop asking for their order they had placed an hour ago.

"Oh! I better go" you said in a hurry.

Before you turned away, you looked back at Arthur and whispered "I completely forgot to prepare his order"

Arthur chuckled before leaving with jack.

-Time skip-

It was finally time to close up shop for the night. You yawned and sat down to rest for a moment before cleaning up. Just then you noticed that the drawing Jack had given you, fell on the floor. You went to pick it up and spotted small hand writing on the back.

It read: "Dear Y/N" It was Jacks hand writing. "I think my uncle Arthur likes you! - Jack

You held the drawing against your chest as you smiled. How cute... and how fortunate, because you were beginning to like him as well!

Guys I love this lots! I hope someone out there does as well! its so fun to write and very very cute! Thank you for reading, see you next time! xoxo

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