Random Arthur Morgan HC's

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-When Arthur is tired you can always tell by how he talks, he may slur his words as if he's a bit drunk, part of this is on purpose because he knows it makes you laugh, but there's a part that isn't playing, he's just that tired. You find this really cute.

-If Arthur has had a bad day, he will come back to camp and pull you into a long hug, not saying anything, just hugging you. It always makes him feel better and you don't mind at all. Sometimes they last forever and that's perfectly fine with you

-Arthur's horse is honestly the next closest bond he has other than you, you often find him with her, just talking and brushing her. One time, it was really late and you couldn't find Arthur, so you went to get your horse and that's when you saw him, she was laying down and he was leaning against her, they were watching the stars, and you couldn't help but smile

-When you cant sleep Arthur often sings to you
-He might sing a few songs that the gang sung around the fire before, it's cute because he doesn't remember the words so when he forgets he will just hum that part
-Once you're asleep, he feels rather proud of himself for being able to help

I feel like these are not very good... I tried 😫 but thank you all for reading this! It means a lot to me!

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