"God you're perfect"

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You shot up in your bed immediately to the sound of yelling outside.
"What the hell"?
Putting on some boots you rushed out to see Micah and Arthur. Arthur was standing in front of Micah and they both had their fists tightened.
"I'll talk about her how I want Arthur" Micah said while laughing.
"THAT'S IT!" Arthur lunged at Micah. The remaining camp watched in awe as the two threw punches. Arthur landed the first one but was immediately returned with a hard blow to the jaw. He fell back and when Micah was nearly on top of him he kicked him hard in the stomach.
"Oh screw you Morgan! She isnt yours, she isn't ANYONES!" Micah yelled back.
You were about ready to intervene when Micah pulled out a knife and slashed Arthur's stomach. He winced in pain. You had enough,
They both froze, Arthur holding his stomach and Micah standing over him.
"What the hell is going on?" You asked.
"Nothing is going on, Morgan here decided to throw a punch over some stupid girl!" He laughed knowing very well who it was.
Arthur was furious. He tried standing up to throw another punch but he fell to the ground wincing.
"Arthur!" You ran over to him and kneeled down.
"Come on" you took him to your tent.
You were rushing around to get supplies to clean his wounds.
You took a clean cloth and slowly cleaned the gash in his head. Arthur just looked down sighing.
"I'm sorry Y/N.. you shouldn't be doing this"
"Arthur. What happened?"
He let out a small groan of pain before speaking.
"He was talkin shit about you" he looked up at you now.
"Said he was gonna do stuff to you and I couldn't do anything about it"
"Arthur.. Micah is an asshole. It wasn't worth getting torn up like this"
"But it was y/n, because I-i care about you a lot" he looked down.
"I love you too Arthur".
He just looked at you while you continued bandaging him up. Wrapping a bandage around his stomach and cleaning the remaining wounds.
"There.. all better?" You asked smiling kindly at him.
"Yea.. thank you y/n"
You just kissed his forehead and sat down beside him, rubbing circles in his back.
He had fallen asleep with his head in your lap while you two were sitting there. You sat there that night watching over him and his wound to make sure it wouldn't bleed more. You don't remember but at some point though the night you had fallen asleep and when you woke the next morning, you found that his fingers were intertwined in your hair and the other arm was tightly holding you close. You thought he was still sleeping so you slowly went to kiss his cheek when he looked up and kissed your lips. You wrapped your arm around his neck and kissed back. When it was over he just looked at you.
He stared for a moment more before saying, "God you're perfect"

Arthur Morgan| Fluffy OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now