Could He be in love again?

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Darkness. It's all you saw.
You tried opening your eyes but to no avail.
Your vision faded in and out. You tired desperately to call out for help. But your words were silenced. The longer you were conscious the more you were aware of the stinging pain in your side. Where am I? What happened?. These questions flooded your mind. It was difficult to hear anything but you could make out muffled voices. One in particular was deeper than the rest.
Finally. Your eyes managed to open, only slightly but you caught a blurry glimpse of a large figure hovering over you.
"Miss? Hello?"
You tried telling them you could hear him, that you were okay but it was just too difficult.
You felt yourself being carried and placed up onto what felt like a horse?
You woke up in a dark tent. Your head instantly pounded and the sharp pain in your side had not stopped hurting. You tried to sit up and instantly regretted it. Wincing in pain you looked around for someone. Anyone that could help.
"Is she awake yet?"
"No not yet Arthur" it was a female voice.
You heard the man sigh and come closer to the tent. You laid there with your eyes closed, fear running through your mind. Please don't hurt me.. you thought, your worries got the better of you and your eyes shot open. He was shocked, but there was relief on his face. There was a long awkward silence before he cleared his throat and spoke.
"How are you feeling?" His voice was hoarse from the cold.
"I-it hurts" you said looking down at your side.
"I know, it should feel better soon".
"Where am I?"
"You are safe" he said while walking out, he looked back at you behind his shoulder before leaving.
"Arthur come here for a minute" Dutch was standing by his tent.
"How's that girl doing?"
"She finally woke up" Arthur said with relief in his voice.
"Good, good. We can make sure she's well and send her on her way".
"Dutch she's hurt, I figured she could stay?" Arthur said.
"I haven't seen you like this over a girl I'm a while Arthur, you're fallen in love again" Dutch said smiling.
"No I'm not. Not Since Mary.."
"Well what ever you say. I know what I saw back at that house."
"Oh yea? What was it that you saw Dutch?" Arthur was more tense now.
"When you found her laying there. You instantly dropped everything and rushed her to your horse. Hell I offered to take her back to camp and you refused. The way you look at her.. like there's a spark in your eyes again" Dutch explained while lighting a cigarette.
"Maybe you're right. I don't know" Arthur turned and walked back to his tent, where you were.
You looked up at him, confusion in your eyes. He sat down beside you, his eyes suddenly calm and relaxed.
"What happened back there? We found you nearly .. nearly dead" he wordlessly scolded himself for stuttering.
You sighed and told him what happened, well what you could remember.
"It was this gang, they came to our home and my pa went to speak with them. Shot him right in front of me.." a few tears escaped from your eyes.
You suddenly felt a strong embrace.
"Hey, shh it's alright" he comforted you.
You wrapped an arm around his neck, placing your other hand on his chest. Soon your tears subsided. Listening to his heartbeat calmed you and you fell asleep in his arms. He couldn't deny the smile that crept onto his face. He laid you down on the pillow. The gang would have questions when they found him laying there with you in the morning but he didn't care. He needed to be sure you were safe

Hey guys! Wow 94 reads.. thank you! I love Arthur so much and having other people read my silly imagines means the world!! This was really fun to write and again thank you for reading this... sorry it's so long 😅 until next time🖤

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