Chapter 69

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Chapter 69

The party ended at 12pm. I felt tired and I just wanted to storm out of the place so I could already take a rest but that would be rude. After the talk I had with Uriela, I never encountered with her again. I've tried to start a conversation with her with small talks then she would just ended it with a nod.

The rest of the night, I felt awkward and confused. If she has a plan to admit her lies to her husband, then I would be glad. But if she doesn't, then, she left me with no choice.

When I got out of the venue, I sighed. I was about to walk when I heard Mr. Miller's voice called my name, "Mr. Arevalo! You're leaving?"

"I am. Are you?" I immediately looked at Uriela behind her but she's just looking at the floor.

"Yes. My wife is already exhausted. I still want to talk to you, you know...because I wasn't able to have more time with you earlier cause there' alot of guests back there," he said while touching his temples. "I hope you could find time to visit me tomorrow, in my office, and we could evaluate the launching."

"Sure, sure. What time?"

"Depends on you. I'll just give my secretary a call that you'll come," I nodded. "So we're going. Thanks alot for today, Mr. Arevalo. Have a good night."

"Take care," And I looked to Uriela, who quickly looked away when I caught her looking at me. I just shrugged as they make their way to the car. Uriela never glanced back.

I loosened up my tie when I got in my car. I drove back to my place. I recall the first time Uriela and I saw each other after many years. I remembered, I still held a grudge towards her and I really hated her. On the other hand, she looked excited when she saw me. She said she was the secretary of Mr. Miller that's why she was in New York, but the truth is, she was there because she's the wife of him. Then she tried helping me and she really did. In just a snap of her fingers, she made her husband signed another contract with my company. But if I could sum up her lies, she tried flirting with me.

She flirted with me. But why the hell will she do that if she really is loyal to her husband? She must did it in purpose. And I'll know that purpose is.

When I woke up, going to Mr. Miller's office is what I thought first thing in the morning. I quickly took a bath, put on my best suit and drove. When I arrived, te receptionist saw me and greeted me, "Good morning Mr. Arevalo."

I greeted her with a slight nod and went inside the elevator. When the door opened at the 40th floor where Mr. Miller's office is, I walked towards his secretary who also greeted me after seeing me, "Good day Mr. Arevalo."

"Did Mr. Miller give you a note that I'll come?"

She nodded, "Yes, sir. But he hasn't arrived yet. He first went to his appointment with his doctor for check up."

"Oh," I exclaimed.

"But Mrs. Miller was here to give the evaluation papers." She got my attention when I heard what she said. "She was in boardroom."

"Does she know that I arrived?"

"She knows that you'll arrive late so she wasn't expecting you to come this early, sir." She said. I just give her a nod and quickly got into the elevator. I went to the board office and I didn't bother to knock on the door as I entered.

I caught her fixing some papers, I think that's the evaluation papers, and she immediately looked upto me, "Expecting someone else?" I grinned.

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