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I spotted Candice in the parking lot eyeing my car. I chuckled to myself for some strange reason. Standing near her, I watched closely as she looked at her phone and shook her head. She curled her beautiful body up on the car. I watched her staring at the beautiful sunset that was with beautiful reds, yellows, oranges, and blues. It was mesmerizing.

I approached her and decided to press the unlock button on my keys and it made that annoying sound but she didn't budge. I walked up behind her cautiously and caught her shiver. I didn't want to scare her but I didn't know why I thought she would ease to the sound of my voice.

"Enjoying the view," I whispered. My plan backfired and she jumped and fell off the car. I ran over to her and lifted her off the floor. She looked so fragile, laying there and I couldn't help but touch her warmth, while realizing that this somehow wasn't a complete fail.

I felt her close to me for the second time today and I didn't want to let her go. She was snug in my hold and our bodies melted into one another.

Unexpectedly, I heard footsteps behind me and turned to see Candice's friend, Rey, with a devilish grin on her face. "Wassup?" I greeted, trying to play off the situation and Rey began to sway nervously. out of discomfort, I threw my eyes in Candice's direction, who looked at her friend up and down with discontent.

"We were just leaving." She then said grabbing Rey's arm and pulling her firmly but Rey was so placenet that she pulled Candice back to her side.

"We were talking." She added and despite Candice's request to leave, she threw on a fake smile ingnoring Candice completely.

Candice then proceeds to snatch her hand away and rushes off furiously to the same car she fell off of and the whole time I felt bad for not talking more casual with her. I felt even worse that I caused her pain... Rey continued to talk about school and what happened at lunch. I didn't feel like talking about it.

"So is she coming to the party?" I stopped Rey's babbling and she onces me over in suspicious.

"You like her don't you?" she giggled a bit.

Duh! Of courskkm, I liked her. I yelled in my head.

"Yes." I smiled. I heard Candice yell over to Rey about getting ready or something along those lines and she stood there waiting impatiently but Rey continued to talk.

"Open this damn door." I heard her yell again. I looked at her from the comer of my eyes to see she was ready to throw a fit. I tried to to react and went on conversing with Rey.

"I'll make sure some she comes to the party," Rey reachs up and grazes my arm in reassurance.

"That would be great," was all I could let out. I saw Candice about to get into the car when I yelled after her, hoping that I would see her at the party. I heard the car door slam.

Rey and I talked about nothing else but mostly about how she wished that I had liked Candice sooner and we were so cute together, which only made me feel awkward.

"Can I have her number?" I slipped out eagerly.

Jeez man, you couldn't wait? I thought to myself.

Rey inspected me closely. Please just say no, so I don't have to go through the torment. "You got a pen?" she finally asked with her hand on her hip. I reach into my pocket where I always keep my blue fine point pen that my grandfather wrote with before he died. I gave it to her hesitantly.

"Did I pass you stare test?" I said sarcastically. She laughed. "I'll take that as a yes." She grabbed my wrist and wrote on my palm. Her hands were warm on mines but didn't have the affect like candice's touch. The pen tip tickled my hand and I stifled my laugh as hard as I could.

"Keep your hand still." She said throughout writing the last few numbers. When she was done she gave me back my pen and I looked at my red palm,

Candice Moore's cell

I smiled inwardly.

"I'll see you tomorrow," Rey said, turning to walk away.

"Later and thanks," I said as she walked away. Her hands waved to me. We both got into our cars and drove off. I honked my horn but it was meant for Candice because of our unsaid goodbyes, but I hated saying goodbye. To me it meant, gone forever.

When I got on the road and made it up to a traffic light, I couldn't help but to look at my palm to see her name on it. I wished that she had written it instead just so that I can feel the tingle that I'm sure she would have left behind. I looked up to the light that was still red and gazed off into a daze.

I heard a car pull up next to mines and the engine roared as if ready to accelerate down the street. I turned to see three girls in a Camaro Convertible, two in the front and one in the back. They were like little Barbie dolls, sunglasses glued to the top of their heads, long flowing blondes, highlights, and tans. They all looked my way and smiled. The driver then blows a kiss. It didn't hurt to play along, so I put on a fake smile and winked.

The other in the passenger's seat was the only brunette and she tried to be seductive by licking her top lip. Ok, too much fun. I looked to the light which was green and drove off leaving them behind in their sexual antics. My mind too clouded to care.

Candice... was all I could think about

I turned my radio on to get her off my mind. 'Love Song' by Adele came on and I didn't bother to change the station as I drove down the street, deep in thought.

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