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The drive to my house was pretty quiet. The tension between Rey and I was so damn high. I wanted to speak and kill the silence but I just didn't know what to say. I found it hard to believe that I was upset at her for talking to Nathan.

He wasn't even mine to be jealous of and worst of all, he had a girlfriend. Yet, he spoke to me as if nothing happened during lunch, I should've ignored it and avoided the issue. If it got out of hand and I broke that little psycho, I could've gotten expelled from school.

As Rey began to pull around the corner to my house, I turned to the window and looked to see a girl running with her German Sheppard. She had a nice body that women probably envied. Her hooded sweater was slight zipped down so that you could peep at her chest and stopped short above her belly button. They thing that caught my eye the most was how familiar her face looked.

It was like I had seen her somewhere before. She had long brown blonde highlighted hair that went past her shoulders and her eyes were big and bright, her lips stained with red lips stick and she possessed remarkable cheek bones. I turned my head away when she turned to the car as she passed by. Why was I even grilling this woman?

"Are you going to come out?" Rey said standing outside the open door of the driver's side. I didn't even notice her get out. I looked up at her and nodded stupidly. I unbuckled my seatbelt, opened the door and slammed it again unconsciously. Rey groaned

I dug for the keys in my bag as we walked up to the entrance. Once the door was unlocked, I found that the house was a bit quiet but not unsually quiet. Mom was probably still at work and my older brother was probably at a friend's house, most likely probably smoking or having girls over as oppose to studying.

I went into the kitchen to the fridge to find something to snack on.

"So where's Derek?" Rey asks sitting on the stool at the counter.

"Probably at Jonah's crib," I said grabbing the container of grapes. I placed them by the sink and peeked at Rey to see a sad expression on her face. She had a secret crush on my brother and would always get defensive whenever I teased her about it. I read between the lines and notice how she would sit all up on him during football or if he played his video games. He confronted me one time and was like, 'Candy, why your friend always got to be touching me and shit? I mean she's cute and all but I don't like her like that.' I laughed when he told me but was careful not to reveal the obvious... He could be as dumb as rocks at times.

I put the washed grapes on the counter and Rey didn't hesitate to grab a handful and pop them one by one. I took grabbed a few as well and we ate them quickly. We were silent and our mouths only moved from the grapes. Where did mom get these? She always bought grapes but never this good. They were my favorite fruit and it appeared that Rey agreed with my thought because she made an equally satisfied groan.

"Great. Huh?" I said break the silence. She smile and nodded without looking at me but never spoke.

"So, Rey, about today." She looked my way chewing away, waiting.

I was suddenly nervous. "I'm sorry," I said with sympathy in my voice. She blinked. "I know that I've been putting this stuff on you, it's not your fault. Please forgive me." she stopped chewing and this time, I waited.

"Candy. Babe, you know that I love you and of course I forgive you but I'm sorry too, girl!" I was taken aback by her apology.

"Why are you apologizing? I was the one who was wrong."

"No Hunnie. I shouldn't have been so harsh. I should have been looking out for you. I know I can be selfish sometimes, but it's just that... its just" she stopped. I looked on puzzled.

What was she trying to say? She didn't finished her sentence but sighed instead.

I could relate without words...

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