Chapter 32 - The last sleepover.

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*Author’s note*

Sorry it's been a few days since I updated, but my holidays have been busy!! I'm losing weight and getting fit, plus hanging out with my friends :D 

lol who am I kidding I'm forever alone with my four guinea pigs :L

anyways, hope you all enjoy the chapter <3 


And on a different note... the book will come to an end soon *cries*

But keep reading my other ones :D


Chapter 32 - @Julia_Golafshan (twitter)

 *Ivy’s POV*

“So Beck,” I asked, “how come you came here all of a sudden?”

“Well, I realized how horrible of a friend I was being, and to jump to conclusions after what you’ve been through… It’s not right!”

She gave me a hug, and we ended up  just holding each other for a few minutes.

It had been ages since we had seen each other and just talked, which is what we did that whole night.

She cried with me, laughed with me, congratulated me for getting together with Niall, and of course pigged out with me – what can I say? I love lollies!

Finally, however, our great slumber party came to an end as we both tried to keep our eyes open, but ended up falling asleep with the lights still on, and neither of us in bed; rather on the floor, in awkward positions.

*Niall’s POV*

The boys and I were used to staying up late, but wow, these girls pushed our limits!

One by one, the lads started to disappear to bed; Liam leaving first, of course, claiming that he “needed to get rest for the flight tomorrow”, and then Zayn, who wanted his “beauty sleep”.

Harry left next, because everyone knows that if he doesn’t get enough rest, his flirting powers won’t work, and who could have that?

Finally, Louis and I eyed each other – a showdown to see who could stay up longer while the girls kept up their giggling fun.

“You feel like getting your ass kicked in Mario Brothers?” he asked cockily, and I snorted.

“Dream on… Boobear,” I winked, causing Louis to glare at me.

Even though he says he hates it though, everyone knows he secretly loves it… right?

As we started playing, I noticed it got a lot quieter, and that we could hardly hear anything from Ivy’s room.

“Should I check on them?” I asked, not wanting to disturb them just in case they were still awake.

“I think so, because we may be here all night if you don’t,” Louis yawned, and I grinned.

Tip-toeing down the hallway to their room, I glanced at the clock; 3:14 am.

Crap, tomorrow I’m going to have to drink a motherload of coffee!

Actually, I guess I’m going to have to drink it today, seeing as there’s not long until morning.

Putting my ear to the door, there was complete silence, and I walked in to the sight of two girls completely unconscious on the floor.

Neither of them looked very comfortable though, and I knew if they stayed like that, they would be sore in the morning, so I carried them both over to the big bed, and pulled the quilts over them.

Ivy’s friend didn’t stir, but Ivy opened her eyes slightly, and when she saw it was me, whispered, “You’re my hero.”

Tears came to my eyes, and I opened my mouth to reply, but she had fallen back asleep.

I don’t know if she would remember what she said in the morning, but it touched me.

This one girl has affected me in ways I can’t even begin to describe – I can’t wait to see what happens as we start touring!

I turned off the lights, and shut the door, and went back to where Louis was.

“They’re both out to it, and it’s time for me to hit the hay as well mate,” I said, but then I realized I was talking to the walls.

Louis was fast asleep on the couch.

As I headed back to my room, I realized I had fallen asleep last…

This should be an interesting day; packing, and then a looong flight with 6 other exhausted people – oh well, one day at a time.

My last thoughts as I went to sleep were that of Ivy; I hoped she was going to get over all this drama with no big repercussions, but I guess we’ll have to see.

Whatever does happen, I’ll be right here.



Please keep reading, and I would LOVE your feedback <3

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