Chapter Eight.

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Darien felt uncomfortable while being alone with Julia, but he wouldn't tell her that. The chick is hot, so he doesn't understand why he annoyed and disgusted by the chick all of sudden when she started kissing against his neck. They were in her room and Darien planned on sleeping with the girl, but the problem is...he couldn't even get it up.

All he could be thinking about was the sad hurt look on Lena face today. He wanted to stop remembering it, but it just keeping popping back up in his damn head and that's why he can't get it up! He knew he was an ass to her and that was the plane, he can't dare get close to some girl.

One as so bright and happy as Helena Russo.

Julia groaned and leaned, "Okay, what is the problem? We've been kissing and stuff for the last half hour and nothing! Nada, Darien!”

"Maybe it's that perfume you drenched yourself in.", he said and she looked taken back that someone said something like that to her. "I mean, come on, it stinks. There is no need to bath yourself in.”

"I'll have you know that bottle of perfume cost my dad seventy five dollars and it smells great.” she said, poking at his chest hard with a bitchy attitude and Darien started to get a head ache. He hates girls like Julia--he can't stand stuck up little princesses. She has no idea what the real world is like and if she lived in some of the neighborhood Darien has, she would have already got her ass kicked. "And you seemed all for it earlier, but what now? After the whole scene at lunch you've been lost in that damn head of yours.”

Darien opened his mouth to say something, but decided on a chuckle before he says something he regrets and Miss Princess has her daddy throw him in jail. He put his hands on her waist and lifted her off his leg onto her bed as he got up, throwing his shirt on.

"Where the hell do you think you’re going?” she hissed, getting off the bed.

"Home.", he said. "Your breath smells like cigarettes anyways.”

She huffed, "So does your, you ass!” she snapped and it was true, he carries a pack around and he smoked one on the way to her house.

"But see, there's a difference. Smoking isn't as attractive on girls then it is on boys.” he said as he put his shoes on.

She laughed in disbelief before looking up at him flirty and put her hands on his bicep, "Come on, Darien, stay. We can jump in the shower if my perfume bother you so much.”

"Well that would have sounded nice, but I've gotten bored.” he said, turning around to leave a shock angry Julia.

"It's because of that tramp Lena isn't it?” she yelled behind him as she followed behind him as he was walking out of her room and down the steps. "Ugh! I can't stand her! She walks around as if she's so perfect and such a goodie to shoes! Why does everything love her, why do you like her? You two are the total opposites!” she yelled and he was getting tired of her little tantrums. She actually just sounded jealous in Darien ears.

When he got to her front door, he sighed and turned to her, "Get over it, Julia.” he said and she just looked more pissed as he left.

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