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It's been 5 months since the boutique burnt down and the police still didn't have any leads or anything. I decided to take my faith out of the law and put it into the streets.

I was tired on the sleepless nights trying to figure out who would do that and why. Chris has been so supportive these past 5 months, he's been picking up with the kids where I'm slacking at.

He's really just a blessing to me. I wouldn't have been able to keep going if it wasn't for the extra push from him.

I was at the house with Chris and the kids. "Say mama." I told Aniya, she just laughed and sucked on her pacifier. "Mommy, can I go to Uncle A's house?" Cj asked me. "Yeah of course just call him and see if he can come get you." "Okay." He got off the bed and went to his room.

"Come here." Chris lifted Aniya up and started playing with her. She couldn't stop laughing and smiling, this was so cute.

I looked at the time on my phone and it was 11:23, "Still going huh?" Chris asked me, I nodded my head. I didn't change my mind about where I was going today.

"Mommy he said yes, he on his way." Cj told me. "Okay." I smiled. "Come take your sister and play with her." I told him. He took Aniya from Chris, "C'mon Niya, imma show you how to play video games." He whispered to her, I laughed.

I went and looked for an outfit to where today. I picked out a black jeans Nd a simple polo top. After I took my shower, brushed my teeth and did my hair then I got dressed.

August came and got Cj so I told him to take Aniya to my moma's house. "Get ready." I said throwing a pillow at Chris. "Why you so extra shawty." He drug. "Nigga relax." I laughed.

He got ready then we left the house. I played music while we drove. "You know where you going right?" I jokingly asked Chris. He side eyed me, "Really?" I laughed," I'm joking. But your ass better know where we going."

He mocked my voice and made a screw face, "What you say?" I balled a fist. "Hit me And we both gon die." He flinched a bit, I shook my head and laughed.

As we drove down the streets of my old neighbourhood, people called out to me with smiles Nd waved.  "Hey Ms. Coretta." I said to my mom's friend. We stopped the car infront of the basketball court, we parked and got out.

Chris saw some niggas watching me so he put his hand around my waist. "Ole jealous ass." I said to him, he played a fool. "Ion know what you talking bout." I laughed. We walked onto the far left side of the basketball court where I saw some people I knew.

"Hola." I smiled at everyone. "Ariel is that you girl." Amina smiled. She came and hugged me. "Tessa." I smiled at another girl. These were my homegirls before I moved to Harlem.

"Wassup yall?" "We good." "Wassup with You?" Tessa looked over at Chris then at me and smiled. "I'm doing okay. This is my husband Christian." "Wassup yall." He gave em a head nod, he swear he be looking so gangster. "Baby this is Tessa, Amina and Licci." I introduced them.

They all smiled. "But can I holla at y'all real quick." I said. The girls and I walked away from the crowd. "Wassup?" Tessa asked. "Y'all heard my boutique burnt down." I sighed. "Yeah girl we heard, sorry." Amina said.

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