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In a couple days the boys were going back to school, FINALLY. I mean I love my babies to death. But they make so much mess for me to clean, they stress me out!

I was in the kitchen cleaning up from Cj's science kit fiasco, I rolled my eyes as I scrubbed the blue sticky paste off of the lower cabinet doors.

I was cleaning all of this by myself since Chris and Cj went to visit moma Ci in the hospital, and Austin was with his dad. I finished scrubbing the cabinets both upper and lower, and I finished mopping so I decided to call Lauren over.

"Hey Ari wassup girl." Lauren said into the phone when she answered. "Can u come over, everyone's out and im alone." I said. "Say no more im on my way." She said then hung up.

I laughed and closed my phone. "Ouu." I said to myself. I opened my phone and called Eli. "Yes girl I'm on my way." She said quickly as if she was in a hurry. "Omg Lauren already told u." "Yess. Now byeee." She said hanging up. I called Arianna and she said she would stop by but won't be staying long.

"Girl, open up. I'm hereee." I heard Eli shout from outside. "Bitch hold on." I shouted running towards the door, I opened it and saw Eli and Lauren outside. I let them in and we went up to the guest room. "So what's up." Eli said collapsing on the bed. "Guys I'm pregnant." I said, their faces lit up and the of them both screamed. "I'm God mother." Eli said making Lauren huff.

"I'm just joking." I laughed and their faces turned straight. "Man wtf Ari." Lauren said looking at me. "What? I'm not ready for a baby." I looked between the two of them. They looked at me in disbelief and I shrugged.

"But you're great with kids." Lauren said and Eli nodded. "I agree but babies don't like me. Remember when Renea was born. She hated me." I said about Lauren's niece. "But now she loves u, she misses u too. Everytime I call Lottie, Renea always asks about u." She told me.

"Awww." Eli coed, I did the same and blushed. "That doesn't change my mind though." I laughed, they rolled their eyes and grumbled things. I waved them off and moved to another topic.

"So Lauren, what's been going on with you and Jaied?" I asked with an eyebrow raised, her head shot up and her cheeks turned a bright red. "Nothing." She said in high pitched voice allowing me to know she was lying. "Yeah right ." I rolled my eyes at her and turned to Eli.

"And u missy." I started. "Me?" "Yes you. What's going on with you and Aron." "Everything." She said dramatically rolling her eyes, Lauren and I laughed til we were weak.

"Explain." "Well we've been doing this back and forth thing for almost 5 months now and i can't take it. I just think we should be together by now, I really like him." She told us, Eli wasn't the type of person to really talk about her feelings with ANYONE, even me. But the fact that she acts this way about Aron let's me know she's really feeling him.

"Aww, I would talk to him but I know you like to handle yo shit yo'self." I told her, she nodded and agreed. "And you. You're so caught up with us, what's going on with yu and superman." Lauren laughed. "Same as the beginning of our relationship. Great." I smiled. "Do u think your ready to marry Chris?" Lauren asked, I was taken back by her question but i wasn't hesitant to answer.

"Hell yeah." "Awww." They coed, my phone buzzed, it was Arianna and she was downstairs with food. I told her to come in and where were. "I'm here bitches." She said appearing at the door. We all sat on the floor and ate the Chinese food she brought.

"Oh I just saw Chris." "You were at the hospital?" "She made a confused face, "No I was at the mall." "What was he doing there, who was he with?" I asked, she took a while to answer, since she was stuffing her face.

"With August, Jaied, Aron and Izzi." She told me. "He lied." "Yup and now he's home. They're all here." Lauren said as she stood at the window. I shook my head and started to gather the left over food and all the garbage. "We're gonna go." Arianna said standing up along with Eli. We said our goodbyes then they left and the guys entered.

Eli and Aron went into the backyard to talk, Chris bolted upstairs, not even looking at me. While the rest of the guys and I were in the living room August kept looking at me. He finally spoke, "Sis what's wrong?" "Nothing I'm fine." I smiled. "Sure." He said turning his attention back to his phone and I did the same.

Aron and Eli walked out holding hands, I smiled at the two as they walked towards us. "Awwww yaaaaaay they finally made it official." I squealed jumping. "Ain't nobody said we were official." Aron said, Eli slapped his chest really hard. "I'm joking." He held his chest and winced from the sting.

They said goodbye and left. "So where yall knuckle head niggahs coming from?" I asked once Chris took a seat next to me on the couch. "Mall." Jaied said, from the corner of my eye I could see Chris glaring at the three guys. "I was at the hospital with Chris." August said not breaking his focus on his phone. "I was just dropping by. I didn't know these guys were doing the same." Izzi said.

"Mhm. All yall lying niggahs get out my house." I shouted, my temper growing. "But what I do." August said standing up. "Get out August. All of yall get the fuck out." I shouted, my voice getting louder.

They all did as told, leaving me and Chris standing alone in the room. I rushed at him and banged on his chest, I got in a few punches before he held my arms above my head and pinned me to the wall.

"Now that your done with your little 'episode' can u calm the fuck down!" He shouted at me, the base in his voice making my knees weak. "Now explain this little tantrum of yours." "Where were yu today?" I asked in calmer tone.

"I told you I was at the Hospital with my mom, why u acting like this?" "Im acting like this because Arianna just told me she saw yu at the mall. Tell me what yu was doing there and where CJ at?" "Babe calm down. Me, August and the boys were at the hospital. Then your mom came and took them. After staying at the hospital for a bit, we decided to go to the mall and do a lil shopping. Dassit ma." He explained.

I kinda feel bad for blowing up on him like that. "Oh." I said once he let my hands go. He walked off I went upstairs, as i was about to go after him the front door opened.

"Mommy." An excited Cj squealed running inside. I bent and waited for him to reach to me, "Hey baby." I hugged him then hugged my momma. "Everything good sweetie?" She asked Me, I simply nodded my head. She left after we talked for a while.

"Cj you hungry?" "No mommy." He said, I left him on the couch watching tv while I went to find Chris.

"Baby." I called out standing at the bedroom door. He looked over and motioned for me to come to where he was sitting on the bed. "I'm sorry about what just happened." I took a seat next to him and held his hand.

"Why you even had to do all that?" I hung my head start playing with my fingers. "You said you was at the hospital but then im hearing you was at the mall, I ask y'all and it just seemed like them nigga was lying. But I really didn't have to do all that baby I'm sorry." He kissed my forehead.

"Just don't overreact like that again. Ask me wassup before you start tripping." He told me. Once we made up I called Cj upstairs to watch a movie with us.

~22nd Chapter Of Grind & Pray

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