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Same night.

Ariel, Spyda, Aron, Dom, Mike, Izzi, Eli, Ms. Asia and I were still in the waiting room at the hospital, waiting on the doctor to update us about August. Ariel hasn't stopped crying since we got here 5 hours ago, Ms. Asia stressing over if her son gonna make it or not, and I'm just scared imma loose my right hand. I mean we go way back and if anything was to happen to him I don't know what I would do.

"August Carter." A man said, I looked up seeing the doctor we talked to earlier. We all sprung to our feet, he looked at a clipboard and bit his lip before looking up at us. "Well we were able to stabilize him." He said, I let out a sigh and so did Ms. Asia and Ariel. "But right now he is in a coma, and we dont know how long he will be in that state." He explained.

"Can we see him?"Ariel asked with her head down. "Yes he is on the third floor, room 334." He told us. "Thank you." Ms. Asia said. The doctor nodded before walking away. We all walked to the elevator and got in, I was the last person to get in so i pushed the button to the third floor. When it got there we piled out of the elevator, and headed to the door. We finally got there and we let Ariel and Ms. Asia go in first.

After a few minutes we all went inside, the state that August was in was crazy, he looked pale asf, his face was completely swollen, his body was fill with bruises and he had on a full leg cast. I was sitting on the couch in the of the room while everyone else stood around the bed talking to him.

"Man I remember when i first met yo ass." Spyda laughed. "U was one crazy niggah. U gonna pull through soldier." He said looking August over.

"If there was anything I needed, all I had to do was come to u. U was always there for me, for all of us. We ain't finna watch u go down like this." Aron said

"I remember when we was kids, u would call me string bean." Ariel laughed. "Then when we were teens, u were the one to keep them nappy head boys away. With ya chicken chest. U were the only male figure I had in my life and u were all I needed. I love u ugly, now wake up." She finished, starting to cry at the end.

"I remember u giving me hell, u always thought u were the biggest and baddest. But u still took care of ya mama and your responsibilities. You will always be my baby boy." Ms. Asia said kissing his face

It was now my turn to speak, I got up and wiped the tears and cleared my throat. I made my way to the bed which felt like I was walking forever.

"August Carter. Man I ain't never met a niggah like u, my right hand, was always honest and i always knew I could count on u for anything. You held yuh shit down, made yo moma proud, held me, your sister, your son, and your team down. No matter what happens we all love ya and ya know how we stay, we a family man this ain't ending like this." I said. I was starting to tear up, Ariel then came and hugged me and wiped my tears.

"He's gonna be okay." She said looking in my eyes. I nodded, then the door opened.

"Hey I'm gonna have to ask u kids to leave now." A nurse said. We all nodded and said our goodbyes. "Go home get some rest, the both of u." I said to Ariel and her mom. "U need to rest too." Ms. Asia said. "I'll be okay. Really, just go." I told her. She smiled and hugged me then walked out.

"U can fool my moma but yu can't fool me Christian. I'm staying with u." Ariel said slipping her hands around my neck. "No you're not." I said. "This isn't up for debate. I'm staying and that's final." She told me taking a seat on the couch. "Ari yu coming or not?" Eli asked poking her head through the door. "Nah tell moma I'm staying." She replied, Eli nodded and left.

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