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Dec 3rd.

Today is CJs birthday and he's turning 7, he's getting so big. Right now me and Ariel were at the mall getting his last minute presents. Ariel is going a little overboard, AS ALWAYS. She be so extra man. We were now in the Jordan store, paying for the 3 new pairs of shoes for CJ and the new pair I got for her.

"Babe what time is it?" She asked. "12:23" I replied. "Ooh c'mon we gotta get home and finish packing the party bags for the kids." She drug my arm. We held hands as we walked outa the mall and to the car. We got in, I started it up and headed to the house.

When we got there, because of the traffic, it was already after 1. Ariel continued helping Ms. Asia with the food since she was already here, while I finished packing the party bags. When I was done I placed them on the table where the presents will be, and headed up to CJ's room.

"Daddy." He said hugging me. "Hey champ. You ready for your party?" "Yesss." "Who did u invite?" I asked him since I wasn't even sure of who all was coming.

"Micheal, Lani, Isabella, Lamar, Kevin, Michelle, William, Mary, her sister Callie and Jimmy." He told me, I nodded my head and stood up. I stayed in the room with him and we played the PS4 for a while.

"CJ come on its time to start getting ready." Ariel said cutting off the game. "Man I was this close to winning." He demonstrated with his fingers, I laughed and shook my head.

"We'll continue the game tmr." I said to him, he nodded and went with Ariel. I walked over to my room and looked on the bed seeing that Ariel done actually picked out an outfit for a nigga. I just shook my head at shawty when I saw her walk past with a smile.

First we were bringing the kids to the paintball place and then back to the house for the party.

I looked at the outfit Ariel picked out for me and I ain't even gon lie I fuck with it, I went into the bathroom and stripped then threw my dirty clothes in the hamper.

I got into the standing shower and turned the hot water on, letting it relax my muscles for a few minutes. I started to lather up my wash cloth, then started scrubbing my skin. After scrubbing, I rinsed then I got out and brushed my teeth.

After that I went into the room, and dried. I put on my boxers and my socks and sat down on the love seat in my room and sparked a joint.

"Hurry up and get ready." Ariel said walking in. "Hush." I said as she began to undress, she walked over to me and took the joint outa out my hand them placed it between her lips. She puffed it twice and passed it back to me. She came down to my level and blew an 'O' of smoke in my face, then took my face into her hands and kissed me.

"Hurry." She said after pulling away, she ran to the bathroom and started her shower. I finished my joint then continued getting dressed.

After getting dressed, I went to check on CJ, he was already dressed and waiting. I made sure his hair was good then returned to the room to see Ariel getting dressed. She then put on a robe and went into the closet.

I went into the closet looking for my shoes and took a few glances at Ariel as she braided her hair. She finally finished and stood up, she got dressed in a black shorts and red top with some red sneakers.

"Ready." She said fixing her shoes, I licked my lips as I looked her up and down. "What?" She laughed, I shook my head 'nothing' then went and took her hand in mine. We went over to CJ's room then headed to the escalade I rented for today.

We were now heading to pick up all of the kids. We got them then we picked up August and Austin last. "Tiller party of 18." I said to the man at the front. He looked through a few papers and found my name. "Okay this way."

He escorted us to the back and geared us up. "Now who has played paintball before?" He asked. August, Ariel and I raised our hands.

"What?" She laughed. "I was kind of a tomboy." She smiled, she so fine. After he gave the kids guidelines, rules and instructions, we got down to business.We got into teams and played til about 4 o'clock.

After all that we brought the kids home and let them get prepared for tonight. When we got home we sent the boys to get washed up while Ariel and I started setting things up. My mom and Momma A prepared everything while we were out.

"Grammy this looks good." Austin said looking at the cake Ms. Asia made. "Thankyou baby." She smiled. "Mom the food looks great, ya'll really outdid y'all selves." I said to my mom , I kissed her and Momma A's cheeks. Ariel and I starting setting the table with food and drinks.

I finished setting up while Ariel got CJ ready and got ready herself. "What time is it?" I asked my mom as i placed the ice pticher in the freezer. "6:22." "The kids are gonna be here soon, Ya'll staying right?" They both gave me faces. "I wouldn't miss it, are u crazy." My mom said to me, I laughed then went upstairs.

I took a shower after Ariel. After I came out, i saw her putting on her dress. I licked my lips while I looked up and down at her.

She simply laughed then went to get her heels. "Are all the kids here as yet?" She asked "Yeah, we need to get this party going if we gon make that reservation." After a few minutes CJ, Ariel and I walked down the stairs as everyone sung happy birthday.

~After The Party

We gave the kids their partybags as they exited with their parents. "CJ yu and Austin need to go change, let's go." I told them as I closed the door. "But what's wrong with what we got on?" CJ asked with attitude.

"Don't let me put u on time out." Ariel glared at him. "What's going on?" I asked. "He answered back." Austin said. CJ glared at him, "Snitch." Austin just shrugged and went to his dad.

"Aye lil man cut that shit out before yo ass stay right here. Listen to ya mama." I said. He and Austin went to change then we got going.

We all got into the esacalde after I locked up the house. We went to a the movies as a family and watched that new chipmunk movie the boys wanted to see.


"Put him down slowly baby. I dont wanna wake him." Ariel told me when I putting CJ in his bed. I just laughed to myself. "I know ma." She left the room and I left after turning off the bedroom lights.

After making sure all the window and doors were locked I engaged the alarm then started going back upstairs.

Ariel was already stripped and half asleep in the bed when I got into our bedroom. I did the same after brushing my teeth.
I kissed her forehead as she snuggled up to my body.

"Allah keep this lil shawty safe man. I can't afford to lose her right now." I said before closing my eyes and going to sleep.

~17th Chapter of Grind&Pray

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