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3 months later.

It was the day before the wedding and a nigga was mad nervous yo. "Morning baby." A sleepy sounding Ariel said as she laid next to me. She came and hugged me from behind, "You ready for the big day tomorrow?"

"As ready as I'll ever be." I kissed her hand as she rested her head on my shoulder. "Mommy are yu up." We heard Cj say. "Yess baby come on in." He walked inside and jumped up onto the bed.

"Morning." He kissed Ariel's cheeck and he just start play fighting with me. "Boy it's early as hell what yu doing." I laughed. I lifted him up and threw him over my shoulder.

"Mommy help me." He laughed. "Put my baby down." She hit me with a pillow and I stumbled. I picked her up with the other hand. They both started laughing and trying to wiggle away but my grip was too tight.

I put them down and started running away. "Bring yo ass back here." Said Ariel, she chased me down the stairs and into the backyard.

I ran around the pool then into the house and locked the door to the back. "And that's how it's done." I laughed at her, she frowned but then started laughing a few minutes later.

She ran to the left and that's when I remembered the gate. Before I knew it she was coming through the front door. "Baby come here and stop playing." She laughed. I went into the living room and saw her sitting on the couch.

I laid across her legs. "Now stop yo shit." She laughed punching me. I winced a bit and laughed. "What's for breakfast." I shrugged before getting up.

Once we decided what we were gonna make, we cooked, ate and then all took showers. "Baby you know i got a doctor's appointment today right?" She asked. "Ofcourse i know. Its at 2." I smiled. It's for 1:45 but okay." She laughed then kissed my cheek.

She got dressed which took some time, then started straighten the room up a lil bit. Once I got dressed I made sure Cj was ready. "Yo lil man pick them controllers up off the ground." I walked out of his room and went back to mine.

It was 1:20 and we gotta leave now if we wanna get to the doctor's on time, so we left. "Mommy can we go to Uncle A's house after?" Cj asked as we drove. "Maybe hun." She replied, cj nodded and looked through the window.

Once we got to the doctors office we sat in the waiting room. "I wanna pee." Cj kept moving around in his seat. I took him to the restroom, let him handle his business then we joined Ariel back in the waiting room.

"Dr. Gilden Will see you now." The receptionist said, she walked with us to his office. After reaching the doctors office door, she left and went back to the front. I opened the door for Ariel and Cj then went inside.

"Morning Dr. Gilden." Ariel said with a bubbly smile, she too friendly yo. "Morning, how's my mommy to be feeling?" "Well the nausea isn't as bad as it was before just a few stomach cramps. And also the peeing." She explained, he nodded as she spoke.

He talked to her about some things she can do to help with what she was experiencing. "Up on the table you go." He said to her. He applied some cool blue gel to her slightly small baby bump then glided the stethoscope over it.

~After The Appointment

"Christian I'm not gon argue about this with You!" Ariel said as we drove to the house. "Ain't nobody tryna argue I'm just telling you that Dr. Gilden like you. And I mean c'mon who wouldn't." I replied. "Mehn whatever. He dont like me he just a friendly doctor." She said.

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