I'll Love You Forever Until The End (Kalijah)

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It was a dismal night, as a human Katherine appeared in New Orleans, ascendant in hand, injured. She'd just escaped Kai and the 1994 prison world. She'd expected to appear in Mystic Falls, but instead, she found herself in New Orleans. She didn't know why, so she began to walk, taking a look around.

After finding out what Marcel had done and almost did, she was furious. Instead of hunting him down though, she went to find the Mikaelson siblings and Hayley. She was smart, so that's why she didn't go after Marcel. Marcel was a weapon. She was human. Descended from Travelers with Traveler magic or not, she didn't stand much of a chance against Marcel if she angered him. He was now worse than Klaus himself. Another reason was due to the fact that she had to make sure that Elijah didn't die. Besides, even though Elijah had left, she'd do anything to keep his family safe, whether Elijah lived or not. She had at least some decency to help out his family, whether she was doing this for him or if she was doing this for those she cared for that were connected to their bloodline.

A few hours later, she found the abandoned warehouse. She saw that they were already cured, since she saw that Elijah was outside by a fire with Hayley standing beside him. She did overhear them talking about getting Klaus back from Marcel, which she knew meant that Marcel was holding Klaus as a prisoner. She knew without a doubt that Klaus needed saving. She also realized how close Elijah and Hayley had become, which made her wonder if she even belonged in his life anymore. She wouldn't let anyone see her upset, though.

She put a hand on the hood of an abandoned car that looked like it hadn't run in years, so she could at least try to go further. Everything was growing dim, but she did see Hayley finally go inside the warehouse. She'd lost a lot of blood from her time in the prison world, having to deal with Kai of all people. She knew she deserved it for everything she'd done, though. At least in her perspective, she deserved it. She knew others would see it differently. As she used the car to keep herself from falling, or try to, she finally spoke now that Hayley was inside.


As soon as he heard the voice and smelled blood, he knew who it was and, even before he turned around to see how bad it was, he realized that she was somehow human again.


He blurred over to stand in front of her, and was afraid for her life, though he didn't quite show it. She'd lost a lot of blood and was very pale, and he could tell that she was fighting to stay awake and stay on her feet. Judging from the ascendant he saw in her hand, she'd come from a prison world, and he instantly realized which one it had been. He knew all about the two prisons worlds, and he knew about Kai. Elijah normally didn't go around killing people, but if Kai was here, he'd kill him for harming Katerina. Right now, though, he knew that didn't matter. All that mattered was to take care of her. Make sure she lived through this. He may care for Hayley, but he would always love Katerina, no matter what.

"What has happened, Katerina? You're human."

"Long story cut short. I thought Elena said something to make you leave, and since I was angry, I took it out on her, and she shoved the cure down my throat. After Silas drank the cure from me, I began aging and within a month, I died. I ended up getting taken by some black mass and ending up in a prison world, instead of where I thought I'd end up at. I finally found a way out with the ascendant tonight, but not before Kai did what he did," she summarized to him.

"I'm so sorry, Katerina," was all he could say. He couldn't take anything back that had happened in the past any more than she could. Everyone made mistakes. They just had to live with them and move on.

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