Impossible (Kalijah)

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*1492- Love*

I remember years ago

Someone told me I should take

Caution when it comes to love

I did

It was a beautiful day with a soft breeze blowing, as Katerina sat on a cement bench outside, Elijah seated beside her, as they discussed love.

"True love is not real unless it is returned. Do you agree?" she said, looking at him.

"I do not believe in love, Katerina," he lied, needing to not fall for her. If he fell for her, he wouldn't be able to help Klaus break the curse set upon him, which involved her death.

"That is too sad for me to accept, my Lord. If we cease to believe in love, then why would we want to live?" she replied, not believing him.

*1492- The News*

And you were strong and I was not

My illusion, my mistake

I was careless, I forgot

I did

It was a dismal night in the living room, as Klaus pinned him against a wall in anger.

"Katerina has fled. What did you tell her?" he asked his elder brother.

"I told her nothing."

"Do not lie to me!" Klaus yelled.

After some more arguing, Elijah promised to return her to him and Klaus promised Elijah that he'd dagger him if he failed.

*1492- The Search*

And now when all is done

There is nothing to say

You have gone and so effortlessly

You have won

You can go and tell them

Tell them all I know now

Write it on the skyline

All we had is gone now

Tell them I was happy

And my heart is broken

All my scars are open

Tell them what I hoped would be





Elijah searched high and low for her to do as Klaus wanted done, but he had fallen for her already. Because of that, he betrayed his own brother to save her life, only for her to take matters into her own hands and turn into a vampire. Shortly after, he was daggered and Klaus slaughtered her entire village, including her family.

*American Gothic*

Falling out of love is hard

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