According To You

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According to you

I'm stupid

I'm useless

I can't do anything right

*England 1492*

It was a beautiful day, as Katerina ran through the woods, Elijah and other people in search of her. They were following what Klaus wanted. Bring her to him alive in time for the ritual so he could become the hybrid.

She tripped over a twig and looked up to see Trevor.

"Please. I can't run anymore," she begged.

She stood and he gave her the moonstone.

"There's a cabin not far from here. Show her this and tell her I sent you. Go. I can't hold them off much longer."

She did as she was told and Rose let her in.

After she was fed and had had water, she was put in a room.

Soon, Trevor came, and he and Rose had an argument, Rose wanting to take her back to Klaus, Trevor wanting to save her.

While they argued, Katerina hung herself with Rose's blood in her system, and later woke up in transition on the bed.

"Why did you do it? I would've helped you escape," Trevor said.

"No. You would've helped me run, and that wouldn't have been enough," she replied.

"Don't you see? She used your love for her to get what she wanted," Rose said.

Rose tried to stake her, but Kat put the old woman in front of her, and Rose accidentally staked the owner of the cabin.

"I'm sorry. Forgive me," Katerina said to Trevor, before feeding. She then tossed the body to Rose, and fled.

*Bulgaria 1492*

According to you

I'm difficult

Hard to please

Forever changing my mind

I'm a mess in a dress

Can't show up on time

Even if it would save my life

According to you

According to you

It was a dark night, as Katerina arrived at her village on horseback, only to see her entire village had been slaughtered. Fearing the worst, she ran inside where she had lived with her family, only to see her father hanging from a wall with a sword through his chest. Then she saw her mother on the bed with her throat torn open.

She cried over her mother for what felt like hours, until she couldn't cry anymore. Then she fled to stay far away from Klaus.

*1492 Ball*

But according to him

I'm beautiful

In credible

He can't get me out of his head

According to him

I'm funny


Everything he ever wanted

Everything is opposite

I don't feel like stopping it

It was a beautiful night, as she and Elijah danced, enjoying each other's company. Dancing with him in the dress he had given her, made her happy for once. She could tell that he was happy, too.


So baby tell me what I got to lose

He's into me for everything I'm not

According to you

"I've missed you," he told her, as they stood by a gazebo that day.

She smiled.

"As have I."

He kissed her, and she kissed back.

*Mystic Falls Mikaelson Mansion*

According to you

I'm boring

I'm moody

You can't take me any place

According to you

I suck at telling jokes 'cause I always give it away

I'm the girl with the worst attention span

You're the boy who puts up with that

According to you

It was a dark night, as they looked at each other. He had just said that he was leaving to go help Klaus in New Orleans.

"Elijah, please. It's our turn."

He kissed her on the forehead.

"Goodbye, Katerina."

A moment later, he had vanished from sight.

*New Orleans Compound*

According to you

I need to feel appreciated

Like I'm not hated

Why can't you see me through this eyes?

It's too bad you're making me decide

According to you

Klaus pinned her against a wall and growled.

"Do not lie to me, Katerina!"

"Temper, temper."

She smirked at him.

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