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"Ladies and gentlemen, we finally have our hands on the meta-human cure." Cisco introduced, stood in the middle of the cortex, looking at all of us.

I kept my arms crossed, staring at him. I was dressed in a white t shirt, black ripped jeans, a turquoise leather jacket on, my hair wavy, my feet wearing black heeled ankle boots.

"Cool, cool." Cisco takes note of our silence, "It's not like I spent weeks in the frozen tundra or anything."

"No, no, no." Sherloque spoke from next to me, "I think that just people are waiting for the inevitable "but" that follows such a big statement."

"Mmm, no, it's done, and thanks to Caitlin, we even have a way to deliver our silver bullet, so no," Cisco walks over to Caitlin, placing the cure into the device, "No buts."

"I believe there is a big "but" coming." Sherloque spoke again.

"But- we need to test the cure on a meta-human." Caitlin told us.

Sherloque points, "There it is."

"What we need is to save the metas that Cicada is targeting because he's not gonna stop killing innocent people." Barry stood up straight.

"Is the cure dangerous?" Nora questions.

"Well, it's an untested serum that alters biology on a cellular level, so until we try it out on someone, we have no way of knowing." Caitlin explained.

"When we started working on the cure, we decided that it would always be a choice, not a weapon, so all we need is a volunteer." Cisco nods.

"Well, there's quite a conundrum, right? A meta human volunteer when the meta-humans in this city have been chased away by us or killed by Cicada or incarcerated at Iron Heights Prison, so Nobody from either group is gonna volunteer." Sherloque said, "No, these criminals are not going to relinquish their powers, although-"

"There's gotta be somebody somewhere that wants to be cured." I cross my arms.

"Yes, on another Earth." Sherloque points.

"Oh, I'll call Harry, see if there's anybody from Earth Two- who wants to volunteer." Caitlin nods.

"Not really what I was suggesting." Sherloque crosses his arms.

"Hold on, you don't have to call Harry." Barry stops them.

I look at him, "Wait, why not?"

"Because there's already a meta here from Earth-2, one who might not want his powers-" Barry implies, "Although it might be pretty difficult to talk to him."


"King Shark-" Lyla Michaels asks as she lead Cisco, Caitlin, Barry, Nora and I through the ARGUS facility, "You really think you can cure him?"

"That's the idea." Nora nods, her hands in her coat.

"Oh, Lyla, this is-" Barry trails off when we come to a stop at the end of the hall, "Zee and I- this is our daughter, Nora."

"Your daughter?" Lyla repeats, looking between Barry and I.

I clear my throat, my hands slipping into my back pockets, my lips pursing, "Yeah."

"I'm from-" Nora began.

Lyla cuts her off, "The future, I'm guessing."

"Weird, right?" Nora nervously chuckles.

"No weirder than waking up one day to find out that your son used to be your daughter." Lyla turns, walking further, "So, why King Shark?"

Barry clears his throat, looking down, that comment referring to when he had went back in time.

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