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My black heels clicked against the ground as I slowly walked over to the chair I sat in every day from the day Barry got arrested. My eyes scanned over the prison, before sitting in the chair, my playing with my hands. I was dressed in skinny white dress pants, a black satin blouse tucked into it, my hair straight.

My head snaps up at the sound of a buzzing, signaling the door that let prisoners out to speak to their loved ones and lawyers on the other side of the glass had opened. Barry Allen walked through, pulling the beanie off his head, a smile forming on his lips when his eyes landing on me, as he quickly sat in his chair, his hair messy, a small growing beard already beginning on his face.

Barry grabs the phone, pressing it against his ear, as I grabbed the one next to me, holding it to my ear, Barry smiling widely at me, "Hey, I'm so glad to see you."

"Hi-" I whisper, staring at him through the glass that kept us apart, small tears in my eyes, "How's it going?"

"It's not as bad as I thought it would be." Barry told me, the smile not wiping away.

"Barry-" My voice lightly cracks, "Don't lie to me."

"I'm not, honey." Barry remains positive, showing how that he was strong and wanted me to be strong for him.

That's what I did. I took a deep breath, holding back the tears, clearing my throat, "Any thing you look forward to?"

"The only thing I look forward to is seeing you everyday." Barry admits, his fingers tightening around the phone.

I go silent, as he weakly smiles towards me, "I'm serious when I say it isn't as bad as I thought it would be."

I lightly shrug, knowing that he was just telling me this so I wouldn't be even more upset about him being in here.

"And hey, you're talking to the newest member of the Iron Heights janitorial staff." Barry uses this as an opportunity to make an attempt to hear the sound of my laughter, "I'm the fastest mop alive."

I giggle, my elbows resting against the surface, my chin resting on my fist, a soft smile on my lips.

"There it is-" Barry points through the glass and at my lips, "There's the smile that brightens up my day."

"I find it unbelievable that you're this optimistic in prison." I admit, the smile remaining on my lips.

"I know you." Barry tells me, "I know you- and I know the team. I know you guys will prove me innocent and get me out of here."

"We will." I nod, "It's just taking longer than expected. We've been surveilling the Devoes 24/7. I mean, their plan to put you in here must've had at least one mistake that destroys the entire thing all together."

"I have hope that you guys will get me out of there." Barry reassures me, "I know you will."

I nod, as he speaks, "How's the rest of the team? I saw Ralph on TV."

"Oh god- Ralph is getting a little cocky." I admit, "Way more cockier than when you first started. No offense- if you're taking any offense of it- if there is any offense of what I just said-"

"None taken." Barry chuckles lightly, "Yeah, I was when I started too, it happens."

I barely nod, looking down, feeling the emotions that fled over me every time I walked in here wash over me once more, the tears that were once in my eyes, flooding into them again.

"Zee, it's okay." Barry's soothing voice came through the phone.

"The only ever time I've come here was to talk to my father." I say quietly, sniffling, looking up at him, a tear rolling down my cheek, "Now it's to talk to my husband. I don't want this to be our lives."

impossible | barry allenWhere stories live. Discover now