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The scenes of a pleasant dream, danced on the back of my closed eye lids. I nuzzled my face into something soft, as a small smiled formed on my lips. That's until the blinding sunlight, shined it's way into the room, and burned my eyelids, waking me.

My eyes slowly fluttered open, as my sight is blurry at first, considering the sunlight flashing right at my eyes, but I soon looked down, finally acknowledging that I was wrapped in someone's arms. I blink twice, my eyes eyeing everything around me before they land on a smiling Barry, looking down at me.

"Good Morning." He greets me as he bit his lip lightly, still smiling at me. I could feel the pad of his thumb slowly draw circles on my right forearm.

"Good Morning?" I replied, not understanding why he was still here, matter of fact why were we on my couch?

"We fell asleep while talking." He answered my thoughts as everything immediately came rushing back, as I finally took in and remember was happened last night.

My heart fluttered at the thought of him staying the night, us basically cuddling the whole night.

I grabbed my phone from the coffee stand, as I looked at if it was dead or not, trying to check what time it was.

"Aw man, it's dead." I frown, as I sit up from Barry's grasp. He sits up also, eyeing my phone having a smirk on his pretty dork ass face.

"Let's get dressed, I'm pretty sure you have to go get to Jitters." Barry said, as I nodded. I got up walking to the bathroom to do my business. I brushed my teeth, washed my face and dried it before walking out to see Barry sat up on the couch, just in his plain white t-shirt and his blue skinny jeans. I looked down to see my phone was on and 100%.

"Wait how the hell?" I burst in surprise, as I run towards my phone and grab it.

"That's not possible. It was dead." I stated in amusement.

"I guess you just didn't try to turn it on." Barry says shrugging, a smirk playing at his lips.

"Okay," I say glaring at him slowly, in suspicion.

I set my phone down before walking to the kitchen, opening the fridge. I grab out a box of frozen made pancakes, a box of frozen made waffles, maple syrup, and jar of Nutella. I placed them on the counter before turning and asking Barry, "Pancakes or Waffles for breakfast?"

"Wait, what the hell do you think you're doing?" Barry laughs, making his way to the kitchen.

"Uh," I trailed off before I give him a strange look and continue questionably, "Making breakfast for the both of us, because I'm a bomb ass best friend?"

"You know you can't cook for shit." He laughs as he sits on the stool at the kitchen island.

I raise my eyebrow as I picked up the two boxes and look at him. "Yeah I know, that's why there's this." I say shaking the boxes.

"Pancakes." He answers, as I nod, moving to the fridge and putting the waffles back. "For all that matters, I have been learning how to cook and let me tell you, I've gotten pretty good since the last time, Barry."

"Oh yeah, when you lit the whole stove on fire while cooking eggs cause the bagels were burning?" He remarks. I give him a look, "Oh and you can do better?"

"I personally think I can cook way better after that incident." He says raising his brows.

"Is that a challenge?" I say putting the pancakes in the toaster. "Yes, I think it is, Ms. Young."

"Oh you're on, Mr. Allen." That's was all that was said before he ran around the island and we started to have a best frozen pancakes made off. Weird name, I know but it was absolutely fun.

impossible | barry allenWhere stories live. Discover now