Chapter 48

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Willow looked to the Empress with nervous tension glowing from her.

"Do you think there will be someone to help us?" 

"Little one, relax. There's only one way to find out." The empress told her.

"I suppose you're right, but what if we get stuck here forever?" She asked, horrified.

"I don't think we'll be stuck here." She responded as they walked into Prism City. There were stores and market places lined up and down a large main road. It looked like a nice place to visit, she thought; watching all kinds of creatures roaming the city streets. 

The first thing that caught her attention was a dark blue dwarf- dragon as well as elves, imps, gnomes and warlocks roaming through the city streets. Ralvania had a peaceful feeling about this place. As they walked something approached them. Something that even the empress had never seen before. 

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