Chapter 22

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The two of them walked beyond the white fairy palace and into the woods; hiking an up hill slope.  Once they had gotten into the forest she turned to see nothing but a fog of trees and enchanted plant life.  The view of the fairy castle was but a distant memory.  She turned back to keep up with Colin, who was about four steps ahead of her now. 

"How far is the portal?" 

"It's a few miles, but not all up-hill. Thank you again." He responded, walking next to her. "You're welcome. I just want her to be safe." She said.

"Me too." He responded.

      As the two of them kept on the pahtway she could sense the worry and nervous anxiety coming from him. It was so strong she could see it as a thought-form. A swirling-like mist of dark blue and purple, all around him.

She knew better than to mention it. Males of ant kind talked about their feelings and problems when they wished it, not a second before it. 

   The empress also felt apprehensive about the portal. 

She had no idea where it led to, or what may be waiting for her on the other side of it. Then a horrifying thought crept into her mind. What if this portal led to a world of gremlins? Please not those, she shuddered. Gremlins were creepy; just thinking about them gave her nightmares

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