Chapter 13

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After a few hours of coffee and Amberosia's good company, the empress relaxed. Things were well, it had been a good day and most of it had already passed by. She gave a smile, brightening the empty room.

Then there was a sound. It was a loud thud the empress would have recognized in her sleep.

Amberosia ran into the room.

"What was that?" 

"It's Soranto. I haven't seen him in over three moon cycles." The empress told her, dashing off to see her favorite creature.

Dashing down the hall, her books making a clink, clink sound across the black and white speckled marble floor as she sped through the castle. Whooshing past Sage and then out the door.

She ran out and din't stop until she reached him. Wrapping her arms around him tightly, then let go of him. He gave her a scowl of a look then spoke in a harsh tone.

"Grab your voodoo kit we're going for a ride." 


"The fairy kingdom, the queen needs you right now." He said.

Nodding to him, then she ran into th castle and fetched the bag throwing everything she could into it at record speed. Then turning around, she scribbled a note for the sorceress. She had no idea what was going on with Queen Lily, but she knew it didn't sound good.

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