Paid With Cash

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*Inspired by the episode of Tiny Toon Adventures where Buster, Babs, Hampton and Plucky go to the restaurant Attitude. I was watching the show when the idea popped into my head of two boys meeting in a restaurant, one a poor waiter and the other a rich party boy. 

[WARNING] Some sexual content and quite a bit of coarse language. Readers discretion is advised. Rated R.

Copyright © 2014 by Gracilyn

The restaurant was a five-star, crystal chandelier, six-months-waiting-list-unless-your-bank-account-contains-more-than-six-digits kind of place. The carpets were red throughout, with twinkling chandeliers hanging from the ceiling almost every five feet and golden pols separating the front door and hosts station from the seating area on the main level. Outside the perfectly fogged glass sliding doors with the restaurants initials in the center, was a red carpet and a valet waiting to park the customers vehicles. Every single customer who stepped through those soundless doors wore suits and fancy dresses and gold jewelry.

All except for the staff, like me.

"Hi, my name's Kael and I'll be your server for the night," I recited on instinct, the words as natural to me as my own name. The family in front of me sat around one of the dozens of large round tables in the main dining area, a mother, a father, and two kids dressed up in their fancy attire that probably cost more than my entire monthly wage. The parents were young, I suspected late twenties or early thirties. As usual, the sight of the kids pinched my heart. A girl, maybe six or seven sat in a princess pink dress with a matching bow in her blonde curls, while her brother, who looked to be eight or nine, was dressed up in a black suit and white shirt, his dirty blonde hair combed to a sleek perfection. It wasn't the perfectness of the family or the money they clearly possessed, that made my chest ache in jealousy, but rather the sight of two parents enjoying a nice meal with their children. That was something I would never have. The only man I had ever called father was buried six feet under in the big cemetery up on pine street, and the woman who pushed me out of her vagina was off somewhere either getting high or slutting around. Or both. And my sister...well, she wasn't coming back.

As I scribbled down the families order, I pushed my thoughts away. There was no way I was going to think about my shitty life while I was working. At home in my room, with the curtains shut and the lights off, I could wallow in self-pity as much as I desired, but not here. This restaurant was filled with people who would only laugh at my pain, and I didn't need to get fired either over someone complaining about my somber attitude.

So I sucked it up and delivered the order to the kitchen staff. The large stainless steel kitchen was hot and humid, causing me to prickle with sweat as I entered the crowded space. I handed the order off to the rack that held the rest of the orders, little note sized papers cluttering up the small space as orders piled up.

"How's it out there?" Suzy, one of the cooks asked me, as she leaned around me to pluck an order off the rack.

"Horrible, a guy tripped me on the way by because his girlfriend was making eyes at me ever since they sat down," I told her of the incident that happened not ten minutes before. My knees still ached from where they landed harshly on the floor.

She tossed me a grimace and patted my shoulder once in comfort. "Sorry to hear that. Keep your chin up and don't let them get to ya sport, okay?" 

I nodded and we parted ways, her to whatever she was cooking and me to the main dining area. Suzy was like a friend at this snobbish place, even though she was almost fifteen years older than me. We'd worked together for two years and had been friends ever since we first met. I was sixteen and in need of a job. The restaurant hired me because they were desperate and I met Suzy during one of my breaks. Her fiery red main was what first drew me to her, as well as her trucker mouth and free spirit. At the time, Suzy was only thirty and engaged to a man named Philip, who -from my point of view- seemed to worship the ground she walked on. 

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