Demonic Love

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**A/N: This is the first chapter of a story I wrote about a year ago, I wrote more but for now you guys can read this and let your imagination run wild with what happens next.

[WARNING] Readers descretion is advised. Contains mild swearing and demonic creatures. Rated PG-13.

Copyright © 2013-2014 by Gracilyn


Damon was just walking to the group home when he heard the whimpering of a small boy. He froze and listened, hearing hushed sadistic voices over top of the whimpering. Damon strained to hear, a mocking laugh ringing out from an alleyway not far up the dissolute street. The front windows of quaint little shops darkened, the street quiet as everyone is in bed, lost in their own little oblivious world. Damon almost sneered at their selfishness, all of them never giving a second thought at what might be happening right outside the comfortable walls of their homes. 

A shrill squeak sounded from the alleyway, and Damon’s head snapped in the direction.

He started towards the small alley, the space between the two brick buildings barely over ten feet wide, and he noted the absence of moonlight. He smiles. Dressed all in black –jeans, v-neck tee shirt that hugged his torso, old beat up leather jacket, heavy boots that somehow made no sound as he walked, raven hair dangling into dark eyes, with the only color on him being his skin, if you could call the sickly pale white a color- no one could see the shadow as it moved into the small pathway between streets. 

The boy looked about thirteen, standing about five ft four with dark hair hanging down into pale blue eyes, his slight frame trembling underneath loose clothing as three guys towered over him. Each guy was no doubt over five ft eight and one held a switchblade in his hand, waving it threateningly in the boys flushed face. Another guy, this one shorter than the other two with dirty blonde hair, stood next to the boy, obviously the lackey who did as he was told. He clutched the boys arm in his hand, squeezing it so hard the boy grimaced in pain. And lastly was the one who stood in front of the boy, a smirk of satisfaction on his face as he toyed with his prey. He was the one Damon wanted so badly to rip to shreds. Humans were little more than an enjoyment to Damon, watching as they self destructed, but there was something about the small boy that intrigued him and made him want to get closer to him –which required getting rid of three hoodlums.

“-Girls shouldn’t walk alone in the dark, bad people lurk in the darkness, ready to prey on your every weakness,” the one who stood in front of the boy –obviously the leader- said, drawing a finger down the boys cheek.

The boy squirmed under his touch, but the blonde held tight and Damon felt the fear rafting off of the tiny dark haired boy. He let the emotion soak into his system before letting it out slowly. If anyone were looking at that time they would have seen the slightest flicker of red flash in his eyes, but no one saw because no one was around except for the three hoodlums and the boy, but they were all distracted and didn’t even know he was there. Watching from the shadows, he was.

“No, no, no, you don’t want to leave just yet do you?” the leader said in a babying tone. 

The one with the knife pressed the tip of it into the boys’ throat. The dark haired boy whimpered again and sniffled, ending the squirming as he pressed his back to the wall behind him. Damon heard that sniffle and that whimper, and with a deep breath, the smell of fear rafting out of the mouth of the alley, he stepped inside with disgust and hatred cursing through his veins like a violent storm brewing, waiting to release the rain and the lightening –or in this case, the power of his distaste.

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