Chapter 168

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Luna was gripping the sides of the speeder with white knuckles, not daring to let go as Anakin raced them through the crowded skies of Coruscant to the medcenter. Why did she have to go to the Temple? Why couldn't she have chosen to stay with Padmé?

Then again, being put in the position of being there when the Senator's water broke was not something Luna knew how to deal with nor wanted to.

Taking a forcefully deep breath as the speeder leveled out of the sharp turn, Luna tried to relax....

And to put on the seat belt that Anakin had a habit of always forgetting existed. Luna may have liked roller coasters, but she'd like to have the security of restraining straps when doing sharp turns, dives, and whatnot.

Or in this case, speeding through traffic well above whatever surface existed below at the speed of a kriffing racecar. Probably faster.

So yes, she'd like the restraining straps on rather than just setting on the seat uselessly as she relied on her grip and Anakin not turning the speeder over on it's side too far.

Although, at the rate they were going, by the time she got the straps on, Luna didn't really need them; Anakin was already pulling up to the medcenter and halfway out of the speeder before it was fully stopped. Luna had to sprint to keep up with the Jedi as he raced through the halls.

She only stopped running when she saw a flash of Anakin's robe enter a doorway. Slowing to a walk, Luna stopped at an observation window looking into a room.

Padmé was lying on a table as several med-droids and a doctor attended her. Anakin was already at her side holding her hand. Luna glanced at the monitors. She may have not been a doctor nor was she used to that particular set up, but she was able to somewhat easily identify the heart monitor and a few other readings. Of course, Luna didn't know whether or not it was normal. While Sidious was gone and Vader didn't exist, it didn't necessarily mean she wasn't a little worried.

Forcing herself to stay calm, Luna watched, internally wincing as Padmé screamed in pain, soundlessly from the other side of the glass.

Luna didn't know how long she was standing there until Luke was finally born. She watched as he was handed to his father, who was beaming with joy. The boy's mother smiled momentarily through the pain as she lovingly brushed her fingers on Luke's cheek before screaming again as another contraction hit.

A few minutes later, Leia was born.

Luna was still watching. She only walked away when Leia was handed to her mother, giving the family privacy.

She was happy for them. If anyone deserved a second chance family, it was the Skywalkers.


Yet Luna couldn't help but be a little jealous....

And for some inexplicable reason, hurt.

She shook her head, trying to forget about it. Everything was perfect, everything was right, the only problem left was her.... Speaking of which, why was she still there? The twins had been born.

What was the Force waiting for?

Luna sat against the wall in the nearly empty hall of the medcenter as she closed her eyes, trying to reach into the Force without reaching out to anyone. It was more difficult than it sounded....

Once she had made it to what Luna considered a decent depth in the Force, all that she could sense was the sensation of light a warmth rolling around her. Looking inward revealed light and dark swirling together in near ballance, the light on the top with the darkness harder to find inside, hiding itself from those who wished to look.

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