Chapter 70

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Luna was nearly asleep when she heard the alarms sound. She jumped, sitting up ramrod straight as her still not quite awake mind tried to process what was happening.

As soon as the fact that alarms were going off processed in her mind, Luna immediately started panicking. She had no idea of where to go in the event that the Redemption didn't get away. Should she head to the Falcon? Hands down, Luna would feel safer, and Han wouldn't leave on anything other than his ship. She just needed to remember how to get to the hanger it was in....which she didn't remember. She had felt too horrible to even pay attention to which way Artoo went when she had been lead to the medbay. Besides, since they had gone to Tatooine, the Millennium Falcon may not even be in the same hanger anymore.

Luna forcefully reminded herself that not all cruisers were destroyed in battles with the Empire and that the ship just needed to get to lightspeed. She also told herself that if anything extremely bad happened, someone would come for her. Probably.

But when another few alarms sounded and TIEs began to appear in the viewport, Luna couldn't just sit around and wait from someone to tell her what was going on, especially since everyone did forget about her for the first few days they were on the ship. She couldn't rely on the hope that someone would come for her, besides, she had to do something. Luna didn't want to feel the way she was feeling now: hopeless and helpless. She wanted to help or at least do something and feel like she was helping. Luna got up and left.

The hallways were crowded, and she tried to ask for directions or help, but no one had the time to pay attention to a lost teenager, not that she had expected much else. Where was Threepio when you needed him?


When Anakin got to Luna's room, it was to find that it was empty.

"Blast it! Luna, where are you?" he muttered before searching for her through the Force. Unfortunately, his mind was quickly drawn from Luna as he sensed the dark presence from Bespin and the Executor. Vader was here.

Anakin quickly did a scan through the Force, he could hardly sense Obi-Wan, Padmé, or Leia, so he knew Obi-Wan was blocking their presences. Unless he was mistaken, Han and Chewie were with them, they had probably made it to the Falcon by now. Luke still had yet to get into his X-Wing and join in the space battle. He could also sense the fear rolling off the Rebels within the ship as they hurried to evacuate or prepared to stay and fight the Imperial boarding party.

Anakin mentally cursed himself for not getting Luna out of the medbay sooner. Her leg was fine now, and all he would have needed to do was brought her along with him or allowed her to go with Padmé. It wouldn't have been hard to watch her. Force knew if Luna knew where to go or what was going on.

Anakin searched for her though the Force again and, to his surprise, actually managed to find Luna's presence radiating with fear. He quickly went in her direction, praying she wouldn't put her mental shields back up anytime soon.

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