Chapter 36

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When Luna heard the bell ring, she got up and went to her locker to unload her all of her school books. She didn't have much homework in the first place and had managed to finish all but her Arabic work. Normally, she would have been excited to go Trick-or-Treating, but she couldn't, so having nearly all of her homework done wasn't quite as satisfying.

Then there was that huge weight of loneliness she felt that she didn't even know she had until that morning. It was a weight she had felt many times before, but it was far heavier than it had ever been previously. The only bonus was that her depressed state and dark costume had managed to make her more invisible than usual. The Populares seemed oblivious to her presence.

And then there was that anxious feeling that something very bad was about to happen that increase with each step she took towards her house. Luna barely noticed it though, being caught up in her own thoughts.

But she did manage to notice that something was wrong when she neared her house, although, she didn't know what it was until she was a few yards away from the fence that circled the property.

The door was hanging ajar, and as if that wasn't unnerving enough, several windows were broken.

Luna froze as she instinctively started panicking. Where did she go? Police obviously, but could she get there safely?

But it may not have even been her father's men and someone may have robbed the house, she tried to reason. He was supposed to be far enough away....

Something, perhaps the Force or imagination, told her that she was trying to fool herself.

She needed to get help.

But what if someone was hurt?

Maybe they had left.

Luna began to force herself to walk forward, a feeling of dread growing in her stomach as she began to come closer to the house.

Suddenly she felt a flare of warning and ducked behind the fence. A something flew by where her shoulder had been only moments before.

Well, that was stupid, Luna couldn't help but think to herself. She knew she had very few options now that she had been spotted.

She couldn't help but wish for a moment in the back of her mind that Anakin or Obi-Wan were around before logic and panic claimed her thoughts.

Luna needed to get away from there. Now.

Her thoughts were jumbled as panic set in at full force. Luna tried to situate her backpack so it would protect her somewhat before she got up and sprinted away right as men began to come out of the house.

She hadn't gone far when she felt a stabbing pain in her right calf. She let out a scream as she fell, but before Luna hit the ground, someone had grabbed her and pulled her around the corner of the house she had been passing. Luna instinctively tried to get out of the person's grasp as she started screaming but was soon silenced by the person.

"Luna, it's me."

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