Chapter 16

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Anakin walked into the hideout. He could no longer sense Luna, but he was starting to think that she might have given up on them coming and left. When he opened the door and heard someone softly singing.

"She stuck around," he muttered as the three of them came inside. Anakin had been nearly positive that she would have left after sensing her practically give up on them returning.

"Grew up in a small town, and when the rain would fall down, I'd just stare out my window. Dreaming of what could be, and if I'd end up happy, I would pray. I could break away. Out of the darkness and into the sun...." Luna's voice dropped off as she began to hum the song. Anakin finally found where she was. Luna had dropped several bags off near her and Ashla and the kittens were with her.

"You were right," Obi-Wan muttered. "At least it doesn't look like we worried her too much."

"I wouldn't say that, I could sense her freaking out," Anakin replied. "I'm surprised she's still here."

"Hey Luna, we're back," Padmé said. Luna didn't reply. Anakin noticed that she had something in her ears.

"I'll spread my wings, and I'll learn how to fly. I'll do what it takes till I touch the sky. I'll make a wish, take a chance, make a change, and break away...."

Anakin walked over to her.

"Hey, Luna?"

Luna suddenly looked up and jerked whatever was in her ears out.

"Where have you all been?" she asked.

"Sorry we were looking around. I hope you didn't wait long," Obi-Wan replied.

"Waiting long? I had half a mind to leave and thought ya'll disappeared on me," Luna replied angrily.

"We didn't."

"What were you doing anyway? You can't be seen by anyone unless you want to get the paparazzi on you or something."

"We were just looking around," Padmé told her. "No one got a good look at us."

"You need to be careful when you go out and leave a note next time, please...." she said before snapping her fingers. "That reminds me." Luna opened up a bag she had brought with her and digging around before pulling out several other bags. "I figured you'd want to get a look around. There's this holiday coming up called Halloween. Long story short, people dress up in costumes, I figured if you all wore cloaks then you could go out and look around without drawing attention to yourself."

"Why do they dress up?" Anakin asked as he took one of the bags from her.

"Uh, it originates from All Hallows Eve before All Souls Day from Christianity. As for dressing up, I think it originates from kids trying to hide from monsters or witches or something?" Luna replied, but the last part of her explanation sounded more like a question.

"Are you dressing up?" Padmé asked smiling.

"Yep, as Princess Leia."

"And she is?" Anakin asked. Luna stared at him for a few seconds in disbelief.

"Right, keep forgetting that you don't know. Princess Leia is one of the twins I mentioned. I did mention them didn't I?" she asked, worried for a moment that she had given away more than she had originally. Now that she thought of it, she probably shouldn't have even mentioned them. Would it kill her to just say she was dressing up as a princess?

"Yes, you did," Obi-Wan replied.

"Yeah, well, I'm dressing up as her. I was going to be a Jedi, but I'd have to find and buy all the right material before I make the thing; witch, in light of recent events, I probably should not be wasting resources on."

"You make your own costume?" Padmé asked surprised that she would already be planning to do that.

"Every year. I suppose I could buy one, but it's cheaper to make half the time not to mention it looks way more accurate. I am cutting it close this year though, I probably should have started at the beginning of the month instead of now.... Or last week. That would have been a good idea," Luna muttered before shaking her head. "Too late to turn back time anyhow. Oh, I also got hand warmers for you guys," Luna said, getting out the hand warmers. "I thought it was cold in here so you might want them."

"Thank you."

Luna noded. "Is there any particular thing you wanted to do besides look around?"

"Well, we wanted to see if we could find out about upcoming events in our world," Obi-Wan asked, studying Luna's reaction.

Luna sighed turning her gaze to the floor. She didn't want to disappoint them, and they couldn't read english, so it wouldn't be that risky.

Not to mention it had been forever since she had last went to the bookstore.

But the covers and comic books might reveal too much....

Making her decision, she looked back up at the trio, smiling.

"Follow me."

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