Chapter 53

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"Hold on, let me get this straight. Padmé and Leia went with Han and Chewie to talk to Jabba, and you didn't go with them?" Anakin asked Obi-Wan incredulous. Anakin and Luke had just returned to the fleet not too long ago, and Anakin had decided to go looking for Obi-Wan and Padmé while Luke went to report to high command why they were back so soon.

"No, I had research to do, and unlike you, I have faith in Padmé's and Leia's abilities," Obi-Wan replied as he read over the report on the datapad he was holding.

Anakin groaned before stalking off.

"Where are you going?"

"To Tatooine apparently."

"Anakin," Obi-Wan said, getting up and following, "why don't you leave it to them?"

"Because something could go wrong."

"I'm sure they're fine."

"Really?" Anakin asked as he delved into the Force and focused on his and Leia's bond. It wasn't as strong as his and Luke's, and her mind was blocked off, but Anakin didn't particularly like what he was managing to sense.


Both Anakin and Obi-Wan turned to see Luke running up to them, only stopping once he had caught up. Gadging by Luke's expression, whatever his news was, it wasn't good.

"It's Leia."

"What happened?" Anakin asked worriedly.

"You know how she was going to go with Han? I think they got captured."

"You think," Obi-Wan pointed out. "You aren't sure."

"I am pretty sure," Luke replied. Upon seeing Obi-Wan's expression, he continued, "Look, I've never had a bond half as strong as the one between me and Leia before. She's never had any training with the Force besides hiding from it, and my training is very limited. I'm only managing to pick up on so much."

"Yep, I am going to Tatooine," Anakin said, mentally wishing that Jabba had decided to base himself on some other planet.

"If you're going, I'm coming with you," Luke stated.

"No, I will deal with it myself."

"Considering it's you, I think both Luke and I should accompany you," Obi-Wan argued.

"Fine, you can come. You can't," Anakin said, pointing at Obi-Wan and then Luke.

"But—" Luke started.

"No buts."

"We're supposed to be dead and both of us have met with Jabba before," Obi-Wan reasoned. "Unless we want Jabba and anyone else in his court to become aware of our position, we are going to need someone else to do the talking."

"Thank you," Luke said, glad that someone was going to support his coming.

"Of course, perhaps we should ask someone a little less reckless...."


"Just stating a fact. We could always ask someone else, but that would mean yet another person would have to be made aware of us being here."

Anakin groaned, massaging his temple.

"Fine. Luke, you can come, but you have to stay close to me at all times," Anakin finally said.

"No problem," Luke replied.

"We're going to need a ship...." Obi-Wan muttered.

"Leave that to me," Luke said with a mischievous glint in his eye that was so similar to Anakin's that Obi-Wan had to mentally check himself.

"What have I gotten myself into?"

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