Chapter 33

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They were almost to Luna's house when she finally got the courage to speak.

"So, what stories of the Sith do you know?" Luna asked, breaking the silence that had descended on the two since they had left the hideout. She glanced at Anakin. For what felt like the millionth time, she thought of how odd he looked in Earthen clothes.

"You would know more than me, as you well know," Anakin replied, wondering what she was getting at. He had begun to notice many more presences in this area, most of them sleeping. He didn't remember them being around before not to mention they weren't where he would have expected to sense people.

Anakin also knew that they were on the same path that Luna took to school everyday.

Apparently Luna being afraid of someone following her had a concrete reasoning behind it.

But Anakin also believed that Luna did not know that she was actually being watched directly, or she would be much less at ease and probably come back home a different way, even with Anakin being with her.

Then again, it could have just been a coincidence, but he had decided to not take the chance.

"Well, I was just wondering. It would be weird for someone to know about the stories of the Sith, in your world that is, unless they were connected to the Sith in some way, shape, or form."

Anakin hummed in agreement as he once again used the Force to make them blend into the shadows as someone looked towards the area they were.

"Sorta like the 'Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise.'"

That spiked Anakin's interest, as he figured she had meant to do. He decided to go along with her for now.

"Who's he?"

"A Sith Lord. He figured out a way to manipulate midichlorians through the darkside. He had many experiments go wrong, but eventually got it," Luna shivered at the thought. "Anyway, his apprentice killed him.... He's after the time of Bane, mind you."

"Really? How recent?" Anakin asked. He saw exactly what she was getting at. Only someone connected to the Sith would know of the story. The fact she was telling him caused him to believe that someone would be revealing the story to him in more detail at a later point in time.

Which meant that whoever did would, at the very least, be connected to the Sith, maybe even be Sidious.

"Fairly recent.... I'm only telling you because I don't have time to come up with a better warning. Please Anakin, be careful and wary of your feelings when you get back," Luna told him. "You never know when the Force will reveal something to you."

Anakin nodded to show that he understood as he once again felt someone look to where they were.

"Someone's watching us," Luna said. It wasn't a question. She had picked up on Anakin's demeanor and sensed it herself now that she wasn't in such deep thought.

"Not necessarily," Anakin replied, not wanting to scare her considering how she already seemed to be terrified of the possibility.

Luna nodded as she tried to talk herself into agreeing with Anakin. Just because someone was around and happened to see them, didn't mean that she was being watched.

Unfortunately, she couldn't shake the feeling that they were there for her. She once again thanked the Force that she had asked for someone to walk her back. As childish as asking had made her feel, she felt much safer with Anakin beside her.

"We're here," Anakin said as they arrived at the fence surrounding Luna's house.

"Right...." Luna muttered. Who she was about to say goodbye to hit her again causing the sadness to overwhelm the fear. This was it. "It....was amazing to meet you."

"It was nice to get to know you too," Anakin replied, not liking how final it was sounding but knowing there wasn't really another option. "But, hey, once we figure this out, we could try to come back."

Luna smiled slightly at the suggestion. "Maybe, but I wouldn't suggest it. You'd probably never be able to find me again, even if you tried."

And with that, Luna forced herself to walk away.

She climbed back into her room and went to bed, tears silently streaming down her face.

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