Chapter 71

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Luna was getting worried. No, that was an understatement, she was terrified. Luna was on a starship in space that was being attacked by the Empire and still had yet to escape to lightspeed, which probably wasn't going to happen at this point. She had a feeling the hyperdrive was deactivated and that the cruiser had no chance of escape.

To top it off, Luna was hopelessly lost and her thoughts were way to jumbled to even try to sense for anyone through the Force. She just continued down the hall, hoping that she was going the right way.

"Luna?!" a familiar voice called from down the hall. Luna turned around instantly.

"Luke!" she yelled, recognizing the speaker with ease and going numb with relief. She raced towards him.

"What are you doing here? You should be on the Falcon," Luke said concerned as she ran up to him.

"I got lost," Luna said, even though she had no idea that was where she was supposed to be. She then took notice that he was suited up to get in his fighter. "Just point me in the right direction, I'm sure I can figure it out."

"Yeah, no, I'll take you," he muttered. There was no way Luna could find her way back to the Falcon by herself, even with directions, something he well knew.

"No, you don't need to worry about me," Luna said.

"I'll have to disagree. The ship is being evacuated," Luke said as he started leading her down the hall. "We've got to hurry."

"That's what I thought," Luna muttered to herself in a low voice. Unfortunately, it wasn't low enough.

"You didn't know that the ship's being evacuated?!"

"All I heard where alarms and took a guess. I was trying to figure out how to get to the Falcon."

"You should have waited for someone to come get you. Anakin was on his way."

"Oh, I didn't know, sorry.... You really should get to the space ba—" Luna cut herself off, screaming, as the ship jerked violently and the hallway they had just come from had a hole blasted into it. The vacuum of space began to suck at them and those that were in the hall and weren't lucky were thrown out into the freezing embrace of space. Luke gabed part of a doorway, and Luna managed to grab his leg. The blast door that between the hallway they were in and the one that had gained a hole closed, providing those who were lucky enough to grab a hand hold safety.

"That....was close," she muttered, after falling to the floor, gasping do to the lower oxygen levels. Luke didn't say anything, looking at the extent of the damage though the small window in the door.

"You have no idea, the entire side is nearly gone," Luke said. They looked at each other. Both of them had just nearly gotten sucked out into space. If Luke hadn't found Luna and brought them the other way, they would have.

"Well, then, I guess I can't try to talk you into getting into your fighter," Luna said, trying to lighten the mood. Luke gave a small smile as he helped her up.

"Nope, but we need to get moving."

"I have nothing against that. Lead the way Commander Skywalker. Lead the way."

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