Chapter 117

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Anakin was still in the Council meeting when he felt terror slide over him before being abruptly cut off. It only took him a few seconds to realize it had originated from Luna.

It took all of his self control, and a look from Obi-Wan, to not jump up and rush out of the Council Chambers right then and there, all of Luna's previously stated worries running through his mind on repeat.

What if he had been wrong and Sidious had found a way to get to her?

What if Sidious had hurt her?

What if the Sith had made his move early on?

Anakin was only marginally grateful when he felt her presence reamerge, this time a mixture of terror and sadness. It did little to ease his worries.

Luna's presence disappeared once more, and Anakin found that the Council meeting literally couldn't end soon enough. He didn't even listen to the rest of it, just mentally counting down how many seconds there were until the meeting would be adjourned.

The moment it was dismissed, he was out of his seat and rushing to the nearest speeder, not paying any mind to Obi-Wan calling after him.

As soon as he was in a speeder, he was racing over the the Senate Building and then to the Chancellor's office.

Anakin was willing to bet that he had arrived at the door in record time. That didn't particularly matter to him, what did matter is that he was sensing the room in front of him and Luna's presence was nowhere to be found.

He tried to reassure himself with the fact Luna was so talented at hiding her presence and that she had been keeping it as small as possible ever since she had entered the Senate Building. It was possible that she was on the other side and was just cloaking herself.

Anakin took a deep breath, trying to pull himself back together as to not be so obviously worried before he knocked. The door side open almost immediately.

"Anakin, welcome," Palpatine said from behind his desk, putting up a datapad.

"I came to pick up Luna, but I can see she isn't here," Anakin said, doing a poor job of trying to hide his worry.

"Oh yes. We were discussing matters, you were quite right when you said that she had a rather interesting way of looking at things, a very interesting apprentice you have. After we finished lunch, I suggested that she could stay here while waiting for you, that I didn't mind her presence while I worked, but she insisted upon waiting outside for you.... Or perhaps taking a transport back to the Temple, she didn't specify," Palpatine explained. Anakin would have missed the slight flash of anger in the man's eyes at the word apprentice if the Force hadn't told him to look. "I would have thought she would have commed you. I do hope nothing has happened."

"I'm....sure not Chancellor," Anakin said, suddenly getting a prompting from the Force to not voice any more concern. "My comm was off during the meeting, so I may have missed it. She likes to be independent. I'll probably find her back at the Temple."

"Well then, it was good seeing you my boy."

Anakin left the Chancellor's office more worried then when he had went in. If Luna had left the room, that meant Sidious could have easily found her. Would it really have killed her to wait with Palpatine until Anakin got there?

One thing the conversation did give him was a reminder to turn on his comm, which had been turned off for the Council meeting. Maybe Luna had left a message....

At least, Anakin hoped she had. He needed to find her.

He turned on his comm to find that there was a message from Padmé....

Luna was with her.

Anakin was off to Padmé's office within a heartbeat.

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