Chapter 46

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Anakin and Chewie were ready for lightspeed as soon as someone could imputed the coordinates. They had just made it out of the planet's gravity well when Leia re-entered the cockpit.

"Star destroyer," she muttered, pointing out the window.

"We won't need to worry about that," Anakin replied as he went the other way, ignoring the larger ship. "Input the coordinates for lightspeed, I'm assuming you have a place in mind."

"Assuming Lando's people fixed the hyperdrive," Leia muttered.

"They did," Lando replied automatically.

"Yes, but they also deactivated it," Anakin said, earning a surprised look from the three of them.

"Don't worry, Artoo said he's already seen to it.... How did you know anyways?" Leia asked.

"Questions after we make the jump," Anakin replied tightly as he dodged yet another blast of laser fire.

"Well, the coordinates are set. It's now or never."

"Punch it," Anakin replied. Not a second later, they were rewarded with the stars blurring as they left Bespin behind.


Luna was struggling to stay awake and to control her pain as she waited for someone to come back. She barely noticed the ship make the tale tell lurch to lightspeed, or what she assumed was the jump to lightspeed, she didn't know for sure.

Padmé climbed up from the gunnery first, and, consequently, was the first to see the new arrivals.

"Luna, are you alright? I thought you were meeting us at the rendezvous," she said as her eyes first landed on the familiar figure.

"Didn't work out," Luna replied weakly as Obi-Wan climbed up from the gunnery and Padmé began to come over, probably to check on her. Luna didn't want her to do that, knowing she would just take attention away from what was about to happen.

"Ben?" Luke asked as he glanced at the two, staring at Obi-Wan incredulous as he struggled to a sitting position and brought the two's attention to him and away from Luna. Leia and Lando came in from the cockpit.

"Um, no, you must have me confused with someone else," Obi-Wan said, studying Luke. For some reason he reminded Obi-Wan of Anakin.

Padmé also studied Luke and came to the same conclusion. Who was this boy?

"Luke, lay back down," Leia ordered, coming over to him.

"Right sorry.... That would be impossible," Luke mutter, complying to Leia's wishes, laying back down but not taking his eyes off of Obi-Wan. Both he and Padmé had long since put their hoods down. Then Anakin and Chewie came in.

"Luna, are you alright?" Anakin asked.

"Fine," Luna replied. Luke glanced at Anakin but quickly continued to stare at Obi-Wan.

"So, I believe you all owe us an explanation," Leia said, finally breaking the silence as she studied the newcomers.

"Yes, I believe we do.... Where to start?" Obi-Wan muttered, trying to figure out how far to go. He sincerely hoped that Luna was going to step in.... At any moment....

Before Obi-Wan could straight up ask Luna to help, Anakin asked a question, motioning to Luke and Leia. "So you two are twins right?"

The question caught almost everyone off guard.

"We are what?" Leia asked, staring at him wide-eyed along with Luke, Lando, and Chewie. Han was looking in Anakin's general direction incredulous.

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