Chapter 140

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"Anakin!!"Padmé screamed. Anakin struggled to reach her, trying to find a way to comfort her to help her....

But the vision faded before it came to its conclusion. Anakin couldn't help but be relieved. He wouldn't have to watch Padmé die tonight.

The darkness around him shifted, forming into a dark room. It took Anakin a moment to recognize where he was: Luna's bedroom.

He looked around, wondering what was going on.

"Come on, don't fall asleep," Luna's voice said, echoing through the darkness. Anakin looked around trying to find the girl. "Don't get comfortable. Eyes open."

Thinking he could hear her voice the loudest from the side of the bed farthest from the window, Anakin began to move in that direction as Luna's voice continued to speak.

"First comes the dreams and the warning, then comes the assassins with the poison...."

Anakin noticed that the covers on the bed had been pulled off to the side, as if Luna had fallen out of bed and taken the sheets with her.

"And if by some miracle I survive that, then comes the Sith...."

"Remind me, why am I actively trying to stay alive? There's not much I can do now. Either the Empire will or won't happen. The timeline's too short; I can't really help anymore. What's the point of staying awake tonight?"

Anakin could see part of her body now, wrapped in sheets. He felt a sickening feeling in his stomach.

"I'm dead either way."

Luna was laying on her side, the sheets wrapped around her like chains. Her skin was a deathly pale grey while her mouth was open in a silent scream.

And her eyes stared straight ahead into nothingness.

"The only question is how?"

There was a toxic dart lodged in her neck.


Anakin awoke with a gasp.

What the hell was that?

Something told him he didn't want to know.

Anakin sat on the side of the bed, placing his head in his hands as he ran the vision through his mind. The message was as obvious as ever, Anakin supposed he should be thankful for that: an assassin was after Luna and her life was in grave danger....

He closed his eyes, reaching into the Force.... Luna was awake, or more accurately: struggling to stay alert. As far as he could tell, everything else was as it should be....

No, actually it wasn't.

Anakin looked up, his expression hard.

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