Chapter 96

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Luna had changed into a pair of boots and very light tan Jedi robes. They were a sort of an off white, not as white as Obi-Wan's but not as dark as, say, Agen Kolar's.

In all truth, Luna had wanted to go with darker robes, but the person who had fitted her said that first off, they didn't have many dark robes, none of which would fit her, and her hair was black enough as it was. Also, they had no reason to give her any robes that weren't spares because she wasn't an actual Jedi. Basically, she just didn't get a choice in the matter. Luna wasn't that disappointed, she was wearing real life Jedi robes.

It's just that light colors weren't usually her thing considering they never really fit her frame of mind, and she liked being able to disappear into shadows, not that she'd probably be doing much of that here.

Luna was just used to being that person sitting the the corner of the room in the shadows wearing darker toned stuff. Who knew, maybe she was part Goth.

Of course, if she was pretending to be a Jedi, lighter colored clothes were probably the better option. Anakin was just about the only person on the Order that practically wore only super dark robes.

What she was more upset about was the fact a lightsaber didn't come with the robes.

"These are the Archives," Anakin said as he lead her into the enormous, what was practically a library, room full of what Luna could only guess were holobooks.

It was very hard for Luna to contain her inner freak out. She loved libraries. She ate lunch in the school library, even though there was a no food or drink rule.

And now she was standing in the entrance to the famous Jedi Archives in the Jedi Temple in the Star Wars universe.

And the shelves were full of holobooks.

There was something else Luna loved to do, and that was figure out how things worked. Any time someone, usually the adults, in a foster home she was living in needed help fixing or working a computer or printer or something, Luna was the person they asked for help because she could fix it, and she wouldn't sabotage anything like some kids. Even teachers would ask for her help sometimes because they knew she was nice like that. If Luna couldn't figure out the problem, half the time there was something seriously wrong with the computer. One of her dream jobs, assuming she ever made it to college, got into a good college, and didn't get attacked by her father's men again, was to become an engineer. It would pay well and engineers would always be in demand. If she got that job, she'd practically be set for life.

So a library full of brand new tech was yet another dream come true. There was only one problem....

One of Luna's greatest weaknesses was foreign language. It was actually her greatest academic weakness, she did better in civics than her Arabic class, even though she tried her hardest.

And everything in the Archives was written in Basic.

Luna wanted to slam her head against a brick wall at the reminder....or stone pillar since she had yet to actually see a brick wall anywhere in this universe.

"It's amazing," she said, looking around. While Luna couldn't read anything or understand how half the things worked, she did know that it was one of the most amazing places she had visited, not that it was too hard of a title to grab currently. The last thing to earn it had been the Jedi Temple itself; before that, Coruscant itself; before that was Home One; then there was the Millennium Falcon; then Bespin; and before that was a fair she had gone to Force knew how many years ago with a friend. That trip was now looking quite insignificant in comparison to everything else.

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